Chapter 10 11 12 13 Session 30 textbook pages 353 365 Session 31 textbook pages 371 373 plus class discussion on the changing structure of the creative team and why it needs media planners and account people Session 32 see also textbook pages 326 and 375 Session 33 textbook pages 433 435 Session 34 textbook pages 437 440 Sessions 35 and 36 textbook pages 437 439 Session 37 textbook pages 442 443 Competitive media assessment SOV 459 466 Sessions 38 and 39 textbook pages 467 481 Chapter 10 Anxiety Ads o Change Behavior by inducing anxiety by playing on consumers anxiety o One of the most effective types of advertising o Ad MUST offer a way out or resolution o Common Technique of Ads for health hygiene and beauty products o Evaluation is done by measuring attitudes and beliefs through tracking studies and communication tests o Message Conveyed There is a clear and present problem The way to avoid this problem is to buy the advertised brand o Strategic Implications of Anxiety Advertising Advantages Can generate perception of widespread threat and motivate action Brand can become the solution to the ever present problem can result in long term commitment Disadvantages Last longer all advertisers need is to remind us of the threat salient Efficient a little anxiety goes a long way Like fear anxiety triggers escape avoidance behaviors If anxiety isn t linked tightly enough to brand you may increase consumer demand for your competitors products Ethical issues Historically these ads have been known to target women o Social Anxiety Ads o Guilt Inducing Ads Anxiety ads where danger is negative social judgment as opposed to physical threat beauty Used for personal products like shampoo or anything that would affect peoples opinions of you Guilt likely to become the dominant negative feeling in advertising over the next decade Straight guilt appeals may backfire best is to use guilt appeals mixed with other emotions Brand Image Ads associated with them o A basic rule of propaganda and persuasion is that visual symbols are powerful communication vehicles when meaning is o Rely on visual impression a brand makes with only a glance iconic o Create a strong visual identity often achieved through brand logos Nike just do it o They allow for an enormously efficient form of communication in a crowded media environment o Evaluation of image ads is typically done through qualitative methods and sometimes associative tests and attribute related attitude tracking studies o Message Conveyed Make brand stand out through imagery o Strategic Implications of Image Advertising Advantages Create clear differentiation of brand Not dependent on language good for transnational company Less counterargument generated by consumers Relatively little or no legal regulatory exposure Disadvantages Iconic Potential efficiency Ads are figurative rather than literal and require evaluation methods like ZMET Heavily dependent on maker of ad being in touch with contemporary culture Don t copy test well due to poor evaluation methods Managerial Resistance clients often argue for more words Tends to be very common fashion brand image can get lost in competitive cloud Social Meaning Slice of Life Ads o Brands can define their meaning and values by taking a stance on social issues o Depicts an ideal usage situation for the brand social context rubs off and creates brand social meaning o The 2014 Cheerios Super Bowl Commercial was used by General Mills the parent company to make a clear stance against racism and in favor of mixed race marriages o Strategy must embody the values in all activities beyond advertising o Evaluation of slice of life ads is typically done through tracking studies that measure attitudes beliefs and preferences over time pre and post exposure tests communication tests o Message Conveyed Create social meaning for brand ads Most important lesson in advertising brands have social meanings The premium paid by consumers is for the meanings associated with the brand o Strategic Implications for Slice of Life Advertising Iconic Potential socially embedding your brand in everyday life gives you this chance Fewer counterarguments made Advantages Relatively little or no legal regulatory exposure Creation of brand social realities Disadvantages Don t copy test well These types of ads get lost in ad clutter Transformational Ads Fairly common unless creatively outstanding can get lost in ad clutter o Create meanings of consumption experience even before the experience actually occurs think of Disney o Attempts to create a brand feeling expectation and mood that are activated when the consumer uses the product or service actual usage us thus transformed made better o Evaluation of transformational ads and other forms of IBP are typically done through field studies tracking studies ethnographic methods and communication tests o Message Conveyed o Strategic Implication of Transformational Advertising Advantages Transform the consumption experience both at the time of consumption and in the consumers memory Can be extremely powerful due to a merging ad and brand experience Fosters long term commitment Disney Disadvantages Create and implant false memories Ethical Issues Chapter 11 Creative Team and the Creative Brief The Creative Team copywriters art directors media and account planners are driven by the creative brief which is the unique creative thought behind a campaign ignition for creative team o Questions and Elements that are considered in devising a Creative Brief Elements Single most important thought you want to a member of the target market to take away Product features to be emphasized Benefits a user receives from these features Media chosen for transmitting the information and the length of time the advertisement will run Suggested mood or tone for the ad or promotion Production budget for the ad and brand promotion Questions What is the product The competition The need or problem What do we what the consumers to believe Think about o During the Creative Brief Process the Creative Teams Role is Copywriters Role create the language of the messages and also suggest ideas for the visuals Art Directors Role come up with the headline or tagline Media Planners Role convey what is possible through the ever expanding media choices Account Planners Role try to keep the profile of the target consumer in the team s mind o The Copywriting Process Expressing the value and benefits a brand has to offer via written or
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