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Cold war April 30 2014 Collective security What is collective security Primary purpose is not to alter bargaining outcomes in favor of one state or another but to ensure changes to the status quo if they occur happen peacefully Forbid the use of military force by one member state against another Attack by one member considered to be a threat to everyone Entire membership is responsible for punishing aggressor Collective response intended to deter aggressors and if deterrence failed ensured no state can benefit from aggression Collective security and the UN Security council of 15 states 5 of which are permanent France Russia China US UK Everyone else gets 2 year term Same influence increases credibility of security council by communicating agreement of powerful states to back action How does collective security work Mechanism triggered when one state attacks threatens another If aggression determined all members called on to act against aggressor state Retaliation ranges from sanctions to military interventions mediators or troops Peacekeeping and humanitarian intervention bulk of what UN now does 3 ways collective security fosters peace Outside intervention changes likely outcome of aggression Help resolve commitment problems by promising to monitor and enforce agreements Neutral observers can determine aggression violations Two major obstacles Collective action problem actions dependent on contributions by member states contributing states incur these costs international peace is a public good free rider problem arises Joint decision making need to determine acts of aggression mixes general and narrow interests making it complicated Does it work Sucessful Work by providing rules and standards to address challenges of collective action problem Collective security only to work when actors have an interest in peace Existence of such interest is not guaranteed Only twice has it worked in its original layout korea and Persian gulf 118 resolutions vetoed by Russia after 1984 only 4 vetoed 82 resolutions vetoed by US since 1984 43 vetoed Overall peacekeeping successful in Cambodia el Salvador Guatemala Mozambique Missions less effective when P5 are not united or combatants do not want UN intervention

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