CAMS 033 Review Guide for Final Spring 2013 Aeneid Review What are the major episodes of the Aeneid selections we read If Aeneas is the hero of the epic what kind of a hero is he If he is the founder of the Roman people what is so Roman about him Questions for KAMM reading Ch 4 pp 98 100 Ch 7 pp 148 53 Ch 7 pp 155 61 Ch 8 pp 172 80 Ch 9 pp 181 90 What was the Roman attitude toward Judaism under Julius Caesar and Augustus Positive Jews had helped Julius Caesar and so he granted them land and total freedom of worship Augustus allowed them to observe their traditions and worship while still holding Roman citizenship Where did Jews encounter opposition Why Mainly in Hellenized cities although conflicts of culture emerged once Romans began to worship their emperors Who was Paul What did he do to make Christianity different from Judaism More famously known as Saul of Tarsus The belief that Jesus is God s son and the returned prophet is what most strongly separated Christianity from Judaism Was Latin the only language in Italy Why did Latin become a common language No Umbrian and Oscan were also popular Roman military expansion caused it to become the common language of the Italian peninsula the Western Mediterranean and the Balkans What is a Roman book liber library A volume or roll which was literally a roll of papyrus up to 10m longx30cm deep on which work was written in columns What is the difference between poetry and prose in Latin Prose widely used alliteration with rhythm used internally Poetry was written in prescribed meter patterns made up of short and long syllables arranged in feet What is the dactylic hexameter The equivalent to a line in Latin poetry was six ft long each of one long and two short syllables or 2 long with a break in the middle of the third foot Who is Catullus What kind of poems did he write Born in Verona moved to Rome in a wave of new poets and moved in high circles Wrote about boozing whoring and generally living it up We have just 116 poems of his varying from 2 408 lines Who is Virgil What kind of poems did he write Writer of The Aeneid Arguably the most influential poem in any language Wrote epic poems What were the subjects of Virgil s three major works The Aeneid Aeneis Georgics Augustus and Eclogues What were the two types of citizen soldiers in the Roman civil wars Professionals those looking for extended period of service and those who were anxious to be discharged and return to normal life What was the state of the Roman army under Augustus He retired soldiers he didn t see fit and soldiers would work for 16 years and then would spend 4 years in reserve and then would receive gratuity What is a legion How many cohorts centuries men Who were the immunes It is an area with military units working for the emperor 10 cohorts each divided into 6 centuries consisting of 80 men How were legions distinguished A legion was under the command of a centurion who was assisted by 6 younger officers tribunes and a senior professional soldier was usually the camp prefect What and how you did something mattered more than who you were What was the equipment of the legionary What did legions do besides fighting They had a bronze helmet a skullcap inside a leather shield and two javelins There were also arrow shooters onagers and horses They also consolidated and patrolled the empire How did legionaries fight There were men who marched and were on foot and used javelins and there were horsemen who were meant to head off attacks by opposition s Calvary and to pursue stragglers Goal was to break up and break though the enemy lines by sheer force Where were legions posted What was their purpose when there was peace Many legions stayed at the same station for extended periods of time They were meant to keep the peace and encourage Romanization within it as well as allow for free movement of trade What was the height of the Roman empire according to Edward Gibbon who was Gibbon Under the consecutive rule of Antonius and Marcus Aurelius 138 180AD Gibbon was a writer in the 1700 s Who were the Good Emperors What monuments did they leave behind Nerva Trajan Hadrian Marcus Aurelius and Antoninus Hadrian s wall and Aurelius left a triumphal column in Rome that has his name on it Ch 9 191 206 2 From 235 284 the Roman empire went into decline Why There was an almost constant changing of emperors because they kept killing one another off There was also land lost during this time period to other conquerors What measures did Diocletion take to restore the empire and make possible the new era of late antiquity Split the empire into E and W and divided responsibilities between 2 people as well as an amount of other lower level politicians Set up imperial executive team Strengthened the army What happened to Rome as the capital of the empire Diocletian only visited Rome once during his 21 year rule thus the capital moved Italy was split into 116 smaller units How was the late Roman empire different from the early and high Roman empire The rule was split between two main emperors Italy was split into 116 smaller units each governed by a rector new tax system What changes did Constantine bring about in the Roman empire He considered himself a Christian and was thus the first Christian king Moved capital to Byzantine He was an anti pagan destroying their temples and outlawing their practices Who did he defeat outside Rome The Goths and the Sarmatians Why did Constantine re found Byzantium as Constantinople So that the Roman empire would survive the inevitable loss of its western part Who were Theodosius Honorius Arcadius Honorius Stilicho and Alaric Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the empire Arcadius and Honorius were his sons who officially split the E and W parts of the empire Alaric was a Visigoth who sacked Rome in 410 Who sacked Rome in 410 in 455 410 Alaric the Visigoth 455 the Vandals Who were the Goths Vandals and Huns Where did they come from Where did they go They were enemies to the Romans Goths were from Germany Vandals were an E Germanic tribe and the Huns were from E of the Volga River Why did the Roman empire fall in the West Odoacer killed Orestes the emperor and said that he would happy rule as king under Zeno s jurisdiction Did the Roman empire fall in the East The Eastern empire was much stronger however eventually the Church of the E split with the Church of Rome and Constantine fell to the Turks What are the chief legacies of Roman
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