Terms and Concepts You Should Be Familiar With Things that you should be familiar with from Exam 1 the introductory materials What is communication o A symbolic interpretive transactional contextual process in which people create shared meanings o Symbol meaning message What is culture o A learned set of shared interpretations How do we study ICC o Two perspectives to ICC Emic insider s perspective Etic outsider s perspective o Three approaches to ICC Social scientific a theory driven quantitative approach Describes and predicts human behaviors Interpretive Data driven Qualitative Describes human behaviors Critical cultures are in a competition of power Textual analysis of media Verbal and Nonverbal Communication o Five linguist rules Phonology Phonemes are the basic sound units Morphology Morphemes are the basic meaning units Semantics the meanings of words Syntactics relationships of words sentence structures Pragmatics contextual interpretations of sentences o Sapir Whorf Hypothesis Language could determine the nature of our thinking Linguistic relativism Linguistic characteristics and cultural norms influence each other Linguistic determinism Language structure controls thought and cultural norms The world we know is PREDETERMINED by that language of our culture o Nonverbal Communication Functions of nonverbal communication Provide info manage impressions express emotion regulate interactions convey relationships reinforce verbal messages Types of nonverbal message codes o Physical appearance o Environment o Body movement o Touch o Proxemics o Chronemics o Paralanguage Universally shared emotions culturally specified display rules What are cultural beliefs values norms and social practices o Beliefs Confucianism in terms of harmony hierarchy and tradition in East Asian cultures Hofstede s Taxonomies perspective approach and major dimensions o Individualism Collectivism Power distance uncertainty avoidance Masculinity Femininity Long Short term oriented Indulgence Restraint Hall s high low context culture communication modes Post Exam 1 Contact hypothesis Gordon Allport o Stereotyping prejudice and discrimination Stereotyping a cognitive process Assertions about the characteristics of all people who Prejudice negative attitudes towards other people that are based on faulty and inflexible belong to that category stereotypes Discrimination behavioral manifestations of prejudice o The cause of intergroup prejudice o The basic assumptions of contact hypothesis The lack of knowledge about outgroups leads to intergroup prejudice More knowledge about outgroups will reduce negative stereotypes o The four optimal conditions Equal status no parties are subordinate of one another Common goal working on same project toward same goal Cooperative interactions acquaintance potential Institutional support environment supports and promotes intercultural cooperation o Psychological processes for intergroup prejudice reduction o Be able to provide examples for the applications of the theory Social identity theory Henry Tajfel John Turner o The basic assumptions of the theory We define ourselves by social group memberships We achieve maintain a positive self through social comparison o Group attributes vs individual attributes o Three individual strategies o Group boundaries and the use of the strategies o Be able to provide examples for the applications of the theory Acculturation theory John Berry o The basic assumptions of the theory o What is acculturation A process between two cultural groups which results in numerous cultural changes in both individuals who are members of cultures in contact will experience various psychological changes o Group level changes vs individual level changes o Cultural identification and the four acculturation strategies Four acculturation strategies o Consequences of the four acculturation strategies o Assimilation integration marginalization separation o Be able to provide examples for the applications of the theory Cross cultural adaptation theory Young Yun Kim o The basic assumptions of the theory o Adaptation as a fundamental human activity o System perspective dis equilibrium o Three theoretical components System view Progress Structural o Be able to provide examples for the applications of the theory Communication Accommodation Theory CAT o Speech accommodation theory and CAT o What is accommodation o Basic assumptions of CAT o Psychological processes of CAT o CAT and psychological evaluation o Be able to provide examples for the applications of the theory Culture shock and adaptation o What is culture shock o What is cultural adaptation Kim o W Curve model o Four theoretical perspectives to culture shock Intercultural relationship o The four dimensions of social relations that appear to be universal Associative vs dissociative behaviors Superordinate vs subordinate behaviors Overt vs covert behaviors Intimate vs formal behaviors o Friendship in the U S and East Asian cultures o Romantic relationship in the U S and East Asian cultures o Friendship expectations and styles o Coping styles in permanent intercultural relationships Submission style Compromising style Obliteration style Consensus style Intercultural conflict o What is conflict o What are the differences between intracultural and intercultural conflict o Orientations to conflict Constructive Destructive o Individualistic and collectivistic views of conflict o Conflict management styles Dominating Integrating Compromising Obliging Avoiding
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