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Zionism JWST 235 I Zionism a Precursors claim to Jewish homeland the idea of a nation a group that has a right to the land because of their history and the past they are religious groups that choose to move to Palestine b Religious messianism we begin to attach these ideas to modern nationalist rhetoric c Moses Hess socialist who is interested in solving the worlds problems by changing the economic system and distributing wealth among people Jewish by birth but not closely associated with it things are beginning to favor the pattern of nation states modern thinker about the Jewish identity HE wants to belong to the Jewish people Rome and Jerusalem 1862 d Romanticism e Solution to split identity f Theodore Herzl Hovevei Tziyon and Bilu II a Organized help for settlers b Impact of pogroms on migration 1872 1881 i Group of people who live off the land and interact with the local communities Jews who want to build a life for themselves c Leon Pinsker book Auto Emancipation 1882 i The Jews can no longer rely on other people to emancipate us they wanted to be given the right by the government to be a part but he said SCREW IT Jews need to emancipate themselves and they will do it in their homeland first published in Germany d Bilu acronym from a verse from the bible they represented a new i University students challenged by what they see around ii Territorialism group in two ways them ii Concrete impact was trivial but young wEstern educated Jews bought into the movement so this ideology was shaping itself e First Aliya 1882 1903 i Alliance Israelite Universelle Kol Israel Chaverim All Jews are responsible for each other reaching out for an attempt to help other Jews raising money to help the new settlers it is a FRENCH organization ii Rothschild admit that you are Frenchmen first and above being Jewish serve in the army etc III Herzl a Dreifus trial 1896 Jewish State 1896 b c First Zionist Congress 1897 in Basle d Israel Zangwill territorialism

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UMD JWST 235 - Zionism

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