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Implications Lecture 3 Video lecture recap Demography o Based on poor data o Circa 1700 about 1M Jews World Jewish population o 1800 2 5 M o 1825 3 25 M o 1850 4 75 M o 1880 7 5 M o 1938 17 M aka population explosion Factors o Health immunity o Settlement opportunity economy Post Holocaust o Growth in Israel o Haredi community Lecture 2 6 13 Implications time o Dominance of Ashkenazi Polish Jews 90 of the world Jews at this Changes after the Holocaust o Jews as migrants known as a mobile population Immediate implications of population explosion o Social welfare becomes primary issue internalizes the responsibility to help Jews provides a challenge and becomes the first step in Jews organizing in a political way Solomon Maimon Betteljuden Tradition of communal organization o Fear of competition and burden o Social and familial imbalance Jews are not interested in going back tendency to migrate and bring the whole family as well o Ethnic conflict o Religion is old country Challenge to recreate or continue Moving a culture to a new country makes it outdated and old Long term Implications o Declining birth rate and rising age People who are high up on the occupational and economic scale tend to have less children o Economic success o Cultural opportunities and problems Breakdown of old traditional control o The Jewish Problem Refugees from an unlimited reservoir Constantly bringing up the persecution and problems from the past

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UMD JWST 235 - Implications

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