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Animal science combines which three aspects to improve the production of animal food for human use environment business and science What does CAFO stand for Confined Animal Feeding Operation When comparing the typical diet of citizens from developed and developing countries worldwide there is a difference in their intake of protein and energy which of the following is true More protein and more energy Of the protein consumed in developed countries which of the following is true most is from animal sources Forages are lower in when compared to concentrates energy digestibility Zoology and animal science both study animals How does animal science differ from zoology in how animals are studied animal science considers animal production When we consider the definition of animal agriculture which traditional livestock species no longer fits the definition horses Why is animal protein better for human nutrition higher quality less fat and humans can t live off of plants alone Which is the most common breed on the US beef cattle herd Black angus Which type of livestock has N A origin none of the above based on total feed consumed which of the following is most efficient swine and poultry Morrill Act How are beef and veal different different breeds fed differently managed differently different ages EPD is a calculated number that is used for what purpose What event greatly increased AG production per farmer while also reducing the percentage of income that consumers spend for food to determine that value of a sire in a breeding program Where are the most beef cattle in oregon produced east side of the state what changes a heifer into a cow parturition Finishing cattle in feed lots is necessary to provide consumers with higher quality beef after weaning calves in beef cattle is usually dependent on best use of pasture early breeding of heifers may result in low calf weights reduced number of calves birthing difficulties how does feeding of beef cattle change from the backgrounding lot to the feed lot decreased roughage increase concentrates the beef cattle industry commonly uses hormone implants in their management systems The primary purpose of the implants is increase growth rate and efficiency What was the primary destination of the cattle during the cattle drives to the railroad lines in Kansas and Missouri When observing commercial cattle in a feedlot the animal found there would be mostly crossbreeds when breeding heifers min body weight is important What is the other important factor following weaning ADG of beef cattle is highest in the feedlot age fluid milk it is more financially stable What does the milk test determine levels of fat and protein what dairy product is consumed at the highest level by American consumers Compared to other mammalian livestock production industries what statement is true concerning the dairy industry Of the dairy breeds we discussed which would be considered dual purpose of their value as milk and beef producers brown swiss and shorthorn most dairies in the US are farms that have fewer than 100 cows Which size group contains most the cows in the US dairy herd dairies with 500 cows parturition What event in a dairy heifers life is considered the beginning of the lactation cycle for efficient breeding of dairy cows breeding should occur at what point 2nd or 3rd heat following parturition during the lactation cycle the body weight of the dairy cow declines early and increases late in the cycle why does most of the Us dairy industry not use seasonal dairying no milk production during that time of the year which type of dairy milking parlor design is the most efficient in modern dairying rotary what is the let down response in dairy cattle the beginning of milk flow First calf heifers are usually first to be milked during a milking session why First time milkers have lower possibility of mastitis For the best efficiency of a dairy operation the first lactation cycle should begin when the heifers are at what age 24 months The number of times that cows are milked daily is generally determined by business model of the operation which of the following is most like a barrow cow bull heifer STEER southeast Asia in swine the term farrowing refers to parturition Swine were first domesticated from wild pigs found in which region of the world which of the following most properly defines fecundity production of offspring which component in livestock diets cannot be used directly by humans hay and forage how are polled cattle different from non polled non polled are horned polled have no horns which term denotes a female pig prior to her second litter sow which beef breed was nearly extinct until federal program was established in the 1920 s to make sure it survived Longhorn none of the above What is the difference between a pig and a hog They are different weights The gestation length for swine is how long 3 months 3 weeks 3 days In normal swine management weaning of piglets occurs after a sow farrows 2 5 weeks Ringing in swine is done to prevent rooting To identify pigs in a litter the producer uses which of the following methods Ear notches Boar odor is off smelling meat from processing intact male hogs what are three important things to remember about the environment in the farrowing room warm dry and draft free Which of the following is correct concerning turkey breeding Breeders use Artificial Insemination In typical commercial broiler production tunnel ventilation is used what does this mean Air is moved lenghtwise in the house which of the following species has the longest incubation period turkeys during the period of egg production for commercial hens what number of production cycles is used 2 in poultry feeding what ingredients make up the vast majority of the feed corn and soybean which characteristic of light is primarily responsible for maintaining egg production in laying hens photoperiod turkeys were domesticated by which civilization aztecs what is vertical integration the production company owns or contracts most or all of their business James Dryden was a poultry researcher in the early 20th century at OSU What important work did he do used genetic selection to improve egg numbers a minor poultry product is squab what type of bird produces squab pigeons ringneck pheasants were introduced into N A in 1800 Where are they native from asia From what region of the world were chickens domesticated Southeast Asia During early production of poultry which

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