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Final Exam Chapter 6 Unit 20 and 23 Chapter 14 o source of energy needed for optimal health What is the structure of fatty acid structures o Alpha end carboxylic acid omega end methyl group chain length short Know and understand the following Chapter 6 Lipids Lipids Saturated fatty acid 18 0 stearic acid medium and long Unsaturated fatty acid Polyunsaturated fatty acid Monounsaturated fatty acid Essential fatty acids Fat calcuations AMDR Food sources Chain length o short 4 medium 8 and long 16 Signs and symptoms Essential fatty acid deficiency Cis fatty acid o hydrogen s are on the same side of fatty acid backbone o hydrogen s are on opposite side of fatty acid backbone trans fatty acids Phosphates Phospholipids hydrophobic substances Recommendations of lipids Linoleic o 18 carbons two cis double bonds w 6 fatty acid Linolenic acid o 18 carbons three cis double bonds w 3 fatty acid How does cardiovascular disease develop o cell membranes cellular metabolism eicosanoid production carriers of o slowing or obstruction of blood flow in heart or other parts of body atherosclerosis and CVD Stroke o brain is deprived of oxygen and nutrients TIA Transient ischemic attacks Modifiable risk factors blood lipids Obesity physical inactivity Nonmodifiable risk factors o Smoking Diabetes Stress Excessive Alcohol intake Hypertension Elevated o Age Sex Genetics Prior stroke or heart attack Low birth weight How does nutrition influence cardiovascular health B vitamins antioxidants etc DASH diet Risk factors for heart disease and how is it diagnosed Phytochemicals Cardiovascular diseases and development Chapter 14 Life Cycle Nutrition Breastfeeding pros o Benefits for mother Postpartum amenorrhea o Lactation Alveoli Mammary ducts Hormones Prolactin Oxytocin o Benefits for baby Colostrum Disease risk Nutrient composition Vitamin C and fluid intake Appropriate wt gain for women o Normal weight 25 35 lbs o Underweight 28 40 lbs o Overweight 15 25 lbs o Obese 11 20lbs Colostrum Which vitamin is important to reduce spinal bifida Alveoli Low Birth weight Frequency of feedings Infant formula Mammary ducts Breast milk banks Prolactin Oxytocin Pica Physical changes with pregnancy Components of weight gain o Fetus 7 to 8 lbs o Placenta 1 5 to 2lbs o Uterus and supporting structures 2 5 3lbs o Maternal adipose stores 7 8lbs o Mammary tissues 1 to 2lbs o Maternal extracellular fluids 6 to 7lbs Macronutrient for carbohydrate protein and fat o Carbs 9 o Protein 2 o Fat 6 Pros for the mother and infant in regards to breast feeding Pre eclampsia and eclampsia Unit 20 Know Understand and Define Antioxidants o Chemical substances that prevent or repair damage to cells caused by exposure to free radicals o Include beta carotene vitamin E and vitamin C Vitamins o Chemical substances that perform specific functions in body o Essential nutrients Functions deficiencies and food sources of water soluble and fat soluble vitamins o Water soluble B Complex Vitamins Vitamin C Only B12 can be stored in body Niacin B6 choline and C cause ill effects if consumed in excessive amounts o Fat Soluble Vitamins Stored in body fat liver other parts of body Vitamin A D E K Deficiencies take longer to develop Excess can build up in fat 4 D s of Pellegra Osteoporosis risk factors treatment Vitamin vegetarians should consider as a supplement that is found in animal foods Which water soluble foods can produce toxicity Vitamins that are needed for energy production or release are folate and vit B6 Unit 23 Know Understand and Define Functions deficiencies food sources of calcium phosphorus iron zinc fluoride iodine sodium potassium o Calcium Component of bones and teeth Needed for muscle and nerve activity Deficiency Osteomalacia Muscle spasms Poorly mineralized weak bones Rickets in children Stunted growth in children Food source Milk milk products broccoli o Phosphorus Component for bones and teeth Component of certain enzymes and other substances Needed to maintain right acid Deficiency Loss of appetite Nausea Weakness Confusion Food source Milk meats seeds Transports oxygen as component of hemoglobin in red blood cells o Iron Needed for certain reactions involving energy formation Deficiency Weakness fatigue Pale appearance hair loss Iron deficeny anemia Food source Liver beef pork Bread pasta o Zinc proteins Required for the activation of many enzymes involved in reproduction of Component of insulin Deficiency Growth failure Delayed sexual maturation Slow wound healing Loss of taste or appetite Food source Meats grains nuts milk bread cereals o Fluoride Component of teeth and bones Helps rebuild enamel that begins to decay Deficiency Tooth decay and other dental diseases Food source Tea shrimp bread fluoridated water and foods o Iodine o Sodium Components of thyroid Required for normal brain development Deficiency Goiter thyroid disease Food source Iodized salt milk seaweed bread Need to maintain the right acid Helps maintain appropriate amount of water in blood Need for muscle and nerve activity Deficiency Weakness apathy poor appetitie muscle cramps headache Food source Foods with salt cured foods bread milk salad dres Systolic diastolic DASH diet What is high blood pressure normal blood pressure Sodium recommendations for general population and African American Latinos and Native Americans as well as people with heart failure kidney and liver disese

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KSU NUTR 10011 - Final Exam

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