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COMM351 FINAL EXAM rhetoric truth plus its artful presentation Kent CH 8 Active research databases surveys Passive research environmental scanning Web is good for primary and secondary research Surveys one primary way organizations learn about their publics o Survey monkey Zoomerang example of online survey tool with free survey services Social media ability to connect directly with key publics PR pro s act as boundary spanners between organization and public o Success at building mutually beneficial relationship is based on understanding of organization and publics Explained by the Coorientation Model of Communication CMC Helps organizations understand how individuals and groups external to an org perceive issues Coorientation theory considers how groups see each other and what they believe other groups think about them o People are aware of 1 The perception of self 2 The perception of the other 3 Metacommunication assumptions what the person thinks the other person thinks about them o coorientation can be internal and external Kenneth Burke s Identification o Persuasion is based on a concept called identification Helping your audience understand how you are like them Consubstantiality one of substance 3 types of identification 1 Identification by sympathy make your audience feel positively toward you o I have been where you are 2 Identification by antithesis invoke commonalities congregation and differences segregation o common goals heroes lived experiences 3 Identification by unawareness ethos implicit identification that we possess as members of an org o Implicit enmity that people feel for those who are part of different groups Uses and grats gratification people seek out info and entertainment that has relevance to their lives and that they find rewarding Community power theory people turn to networks of family members o Behavior attitude change is difficult without the aid of a supportive friends for advice network o At the heart of community power word of mouth Word of mouth one of the most persuasive tools Blog web log online diary o Public documents o Blogs are great for environmental scanning o Written on short notice o Bloggers have to be well trainted o RSS really simple syndication feeds Sort through information quickly based on preferences Monitor results o Aggregators software applications that automatically compile data from blogs Usenet discussion group where people can post messages and engage in threaded dialogue on topics of mutual interest o Chat group o Most users are fanatics of a show o Message thread Searching on the web o Use phrase searches words in quotation marks o and both terms or either result not exclude Google scholar database of scholarly sources articles books o Easy for college students but PR pro s do not have access to it main Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers iCANN drawback Lexis nexis research software o Lexis legal data base o Nexis news database Universal Resource Location URL Website credibility must be o Truthful o Agree o General acceptance o Credibility o Timely o Moral Counter device that keeps track of something i e a clock o Allow you to monitor how your website is being used Cookie small data file stored on the computer of a visitor to a website o Shows how users navigate a website o Track visitor information Web analytics tracking software o To improve performance of a website unique visitors never been to a website before Kent CH 9 Types of public speeches o 1 Persuasive o 2 Informative o 3 Ceremonial best speeches are extemporaneous delivered with notes only o more compelling disfluencies um ah like you know o excessive gesturing compelling sources need to be compelling to the audience not to the speaker canon of rhetoric o 1 Invention o 2 Arrangement Disposition when where how statistics o 3 Style Elocution language use choice of words o 4 Delivery pronunciation voice gestures o 5 Memory audience analysis consideration of the traits of the audience as well as an examination of the audiences attitudes toward your topic o based on audience analysis you make choices about content occasion analysis nature of the occation date and hour location type of structure meeting o why should my audience care speech formats o 10 parts 1 Title 2 Subtitle 3 General purpose 4 Specific purpose 5 Central idea 6 Intro 7 body 8 Conclusion 9 Transitions 10 Support o title used in marketing materials can be written at the beginning or end of speechwriting process o subject residual message like a bumper sticker message o general purpose goal of the speech to inform persuade or entertain often goal is to inform and persuade o specific purpose what exactly the audience should come away from the speech with infinitive statements o central idea thesis statement o introduction most important part part of speech everyone pays attention to use quotation startling statement ask a challenging question tell a story use a visual aid use suspence o transitions phrases that get you from one point to the next ex now that o body three to five main points o conclusions last chance to make message stick memorable quote dramatic statement refer back to intro challenge repititions emotional appeal speech outlines o intro and conclusion are written out o each section should be about the same length o full sentences for every point and subpoint o keywrd outlines o hanging indents minor point subpoint tertiary point support for speeches o support for clarification analogies explanation illustrations restatement specific instances o support for proof testimony statistics establish credibility early ethos integrity and good will three parts to informational communication motivation clarification retention clarification is key avoid abstract terms monroe s motivated sequence attention need satisfaction visualization and action ANSVA o organizing framework for speeches o attention intro o need what the problem is that needs to be solved o satisfaction body of the speech what the problem is how his her solution satisfies the need o visualization speaker helps visualize the future positive what might happen if the advice is followed negative the opposite o action conclusion provide audience with tools and knowledge to do what is asked McGuire s Persuasion Model PACYRA presentation attention comprehension yielding retention action o Relies on structure for creating persuasive messages during persuasion people go through six steps o Presentation exposing

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