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Chapter 32 Circulation system Three major parts o The heart pump that keeps the blood circulating o Blood medium of transport Two components Plasma liquid 55 of total blood volume o Mostly proteins salts nutrients wastes dissolved in water Albumin maintains osmotic strength Globulins antibodies in immune response Fibrinogen blood clotting Cells 40 55 o Formed from stem cells in bone marrow o Red blood cells no nucleus 99 of all blood cells and about 45 of the total blood volume are oxygen carrying red blood cells also called erythrocytes red color of erythrocytes is caused by the protein hemoglobin which transports oxygen in the blood life span of 4 months recycled o White blood cells only complete cells Break down old red blood cells 1 of blood 5 types called leukocytes Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils Monocytes Lymphocytes o Transform into macrophages that engulf bacteria and debris o Platelets small cell fragments Pieces of megakaryocytes Each hemoglobin binds with 4 oxygens o Blood vessels system of tubes that conduct the blood throughout body A rtery arterioles carries blood away form heart Aorta largest artery Walls of arteries are thicker and more elastic Arterioles control distribution of blood flow Vein venules carries blood to the heart Vena cava largest vein More dangerous to sever an artery because they have higher pressure and are larger in size Pulmonary anything having to do with lungs Heart Arteries arterioles venules veins heart Capillaries Systematic anywhere else in the body Single cell thick Where exchange occurs The vertebrate circulatory system of humans have many diverse functions o Transport of O2 from the lungs or gills to the tissues and transport of CO2 from the tissues to the o Distribution of nutrients from the digestive system to all body cells o Transport of waste products and toxic substances to the liver where many of them are detoxified o Distribution of hormones from the glands and organs that produce them to the tissues on which they lungs or gills and to the kidneys for excretion act o Regulation of body temperature by adjustments in blood flow o Wound healing and blood clotting to prevent blood loss o Protection against disease by circulating white blood cells and antibodies Structure of heart o 4 chambers o 2 pumps atria chambers collect blood atrial contractions send blood to the ventricles ventricle chambers circulate blood through lungs to body right atrium and ventricle deoxygenated blood enters right atrium though vena cava right atrium right ventricle lungs pulmonary arteries left atrium and ventricle oxygenated blood enters left atrium through pulmonary veins left atrium left ventricle body aorta o Valves maintain direction of blood flow One way valves prevent backflow pressure dictated Atrioventricular valves allow blood to flow from the atria into the ventricles Semilunar valves allow blood to enter the pulmonary artery and the aorta from ventricles o Cardiac muscle cells are small branched and striated cells are connected by intercalated discs contain desmosomes links and holds cells together cardiac cycle lasts less than 1 second Blood pressure o Systolic pressure higher measure of ventricular contraction o Diastolic pressure minimum pressure in arteries between contractions o Less than 120 80 is healthy o Over 140 90 is high blood pressure hypertension Caused by constriction of small arteries Heart contractions o Electrical impulses from pacemaker cluster of specialized cells that make electrical signals at a regular rate Located in SA sinoatrial node Upper wall of right atrium SA node AV atrioventricular node between right atrium and right ventricle AV node AV bundle purkinje fibers transmit signal throughout ventricle o Fibrillation weak uncoordinated contractions when pacemaker fails Fixed with defibrillating machine synchronizes contractions Chapter 33 Respiration System Cellular respiration converts energy in nutrients to ATP requires ready amounts of oxygen Respiratory System is divided into two parts o Conducting portion series of passageways that carries air to the lungs and contains the Air Nose mouth pharynx larynx trachea 2 bronchi lungs branchioles apparatus that makes speaking possible alveoli Epiglottis opening of the larynx Flap of tissue supported by cartilage Prevents food from entering larynx when swallowing Larynx vocal cords Vibrate when air is exhaled Trachea flexible tube whose walls are reinforced with semicircular bands of stiff cartilage o Gas exchange portion where gases are exchanged with the blood in tiny sacs within the lungs Alveoli the tiny air sacs where gas exchange occurs Cells consist of a single thin layer of epithelial cells Respiratory membrane where gases diffuse Consists of ephithelial cells of aveoli and endothelial cells that form the walls of the capillary across which gas exchange occurs Heimlich maneuver o Failed epiglottis maneuver Nearly all about 90 of the O2 carried by the blood is bound to hemoglobin CO2 is transported in the blood in three ways o As bicarbonate ions 70 when CO2 combines with water o Bound to hemoglobin 20 o Dissolved in plasma as CO2 10 Breathing has two stages inhalation exhalation o Diaphragm lower boundary of the chest cavity Domes upward when relaxed Force air in and out of lungs o Respiratory center In medulla portion of the brain Generates cyclic action potentials that cause contractions Adjusts breathing rate for body s needs Primarily modified by CO2 receptors O2 receptors are a backup system in the aorta and carotid arteries o Stimulate the respiratory center to increase breathing if O2 levels drop Nutrients are substances obtained from the environment that organisms need for their growth and survival Chapter 34 Nutrition and Digestion o 6 categories Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Minerals Only obtained in diet or dissolved in drinking water Calcium magnesium phosphorus bone and teeth Sodium calcium potassium muscle contraction and nerve impulses Iron hemoglobin Iodine thyroid gland Organic molecules needed for normal cell function growth and development enzyme Vitamins function Not made by body 2 categories o water soluble not stored in body work with enzymes to promote chemical reactions vitamin c 9 compounds of vitamin b o fat soluble stored in body accumulate over time vitamins a d e k vitamin a synthesize light capturing molecule in the eye retina vitamin d bone formation rickets pain and bone weakness Water Human body is 60 water principal

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