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PRINCIPLE OF COMMUNICATION 1 Control freedom IS it fair Is it balanced Bias fairness are fundamental 2 Old media tend to become the content of new media continually borrow from and refashion old media when newspapers came in they were new and when radio came in it made it easier and faster to get news out there and the radio was just repeating the same news as newspapers just in a different form 3 A new medium often tries to do what was already preserved of a new media a new medium media often tries to do what an older form of media did but it tries to do it in such a way that it improves communication each medium builds an earlier medium and tries to overcome those media imitations telegraph you were limited to how many characters to put out Newspapers made it easier to get your story out in one writing You could take a newspaper anyways too No medium ever goes out of existence it just changes its 4 A medium constructs its messages as much through its form as form functions does through its content video if you use print it s different than if you use audio and 5 Technology can influence a world of ideas Technology is getting better and so is the medium 6 The mystery of communication is central to the history of civilization If you really want to understand civilization then you need to understand how people communicate And each region has different communication Some places don t have TV for example 7 Reality is brought into existence by the use of symbolic forms Before 5th century Greece people had to talk out loud to really be able to think because they really didn t have words They put vowels into words not sure how this is relevant or true 8 Old media borrowed from and refashioned As societies have developed control and freedom have been HUGE issues In the US we have in our constitution the 1st amendment which gave freedom and limit control We are one of the few countries that have lived up to that amendment In the US you can say whatever you want to there just might be a penalty In other countries you can t say what you want Maybe freedom and control are the monopoly It is an issue and the US tries to keep people from having a monopoly That s why you have to have license to do certain things For example the cable company having to have a license Not only controlled by the gov but by private enterprise They make the info on what info you will get based on how much money can be made 9 With technological innovation communication has solved problems 10 As technology develops and new technology comes into effect it expands the way we live No more Walkman radios we have ipods and phones now Technology shapes the world 11 Technology and cultural practices are intertwined James Carrey remember this name gave a definition of communication Jim Carrey

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