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Nov 1 11 01 2011 Consumers The Hispanic Latino Target Market Defining Hispanic culture Hispanic is an ethnic category same language and common Hispanics can be of any race Can use Hispanic Latino or Spanish Origin Is a pan ethnic label Conill Toyota Forerunner AD Who is the target audience Ad was created by the Spanish industry for a Hispanic audience When seeing it in English you don t realize it s for Hispanics Ad was filmed in New Zealand cheaper production cost Guys dropping off Mexican people in a village Cross Over Appeal Volkswagon Guys take a road trip and listen to learn Spanish tape for 13 hours When they get out of the car they re speaking Spanish The goal of advertising is to make you feel good about the product that you re seeing It s trying to create a positive emotional connection to the product Another purpose of advertising is to inform the audience about your product Third goal is to remind you about the product Ultimately the goal is to get you to buy the product A goal you don t want to achieve is to turn people off from your public with bad advertising Why Marketers Care About Hispanics Cross over power and smart money savings o K Mart Sophia collection trying on clothes with women of different sizes Buying Power Hispanic buying power disposable income after taxes in California exceeded that of the entire population of 36 other states o 1 6 trillion in 2010 o 15 of nations total buying power in 2015 Population Size Hispanics compose 16 3 if U S population and growing estimated 45 million Concentrated populations o California Arizona Texas Florida Illinois New York New Jersey Colorado New Mexico and Georgia Hispanics are young o 63 are aged 18 41 Hispanics have larger families Brand loyal National and local media markets developed Questions for Strat Com Programs What does it mean to be Hispanic o Cultural symbols and meaning o Language Who represents Hispanics o Lation look and accent Who is an authentic Hispanic o George Lopez Eva Longoria Juanes Thalia Pepsi Ad Rain in Spain Fernando Torres Guy can t say Pepsi and rips the second P out of the Pepsi sign He kept saying Pesi Got positive reception Largest Market Segment Mexican American 65 o They re younger o Lower internet use 52 o Gender roles are more patriarchal o Musica Nortena Banda Rachera Second Largest Segment Puerto Ricans 9 o They re predominately in New York New Jersey and Florida o U S Citizens o Most likely to be English dominant o Mambo merengue and salsa Tito Puente Third Largest Market Segments Tie between Cuba and Dominican Republic 3 o Cubans make up 46 of Hispanics in Miami o Concentrated in Florida o Castro Communism o Reject Hispanic label o Households smaller o Politically conservative o Older higher education levels Tecate Example Target Audience Spanish speaking Mexican American men Media TV ads billboards radio stations with Ranchera Nortena Banda and Grupo Consequences of Advertising and Marketing Reduce value of Hispanics to that of consumer only Tends to simplify images doesn t show complexity May court backlash through increased visibility immigration issue where public relations takes action Take Away Points The bottom line for businesses is market size buying power and access to the target audience o Save money Hispanic celebrities have cross over appeal Hispanic concepts work in main stream Markey o Sell products used by Hispanic consumers Hispanic is a suspect label o Research and an openness to cultures are essential o There isn t such a thing as a fake Hispanic If you want a career in marketing you care about the youth and young adult market and you want more opportunities you should educate yourself on the Hispanic market Nov 8 11 01 2011 International Reporting Beverly Horvit Proportionality What does the world look like News coverage vs Reality Coverage of the world s 190 plus countries o Very few of them make the news but it s be tough to cover them all Coverage of the world s regions Coverage of different topics Proportionality We re always making judgments about what s news What do you put on the front page What make your broadcast Which headlines do you decide to tweet Context Why do journalists miss key context Limited Resources Limited Time In a country in a story Can t develop sources Don t know what you don t know When disaster Strikes The focus is on the journalist not the big picture Possible Solution Q A Is there missing context Christian Purefoy Closely related to context Complexity Good or bad guys o Taliban Bad in News coverage Dexter Filkins Shirts vs Skins How to Get There Do your homework History culture press system news Don t just read the U S News Clips Could get a double misreading Correspondents see what they expect to see Pressures from home office Reliance of same old sources Why Are English speaking sources the best sources o How might an English speaking source in Iraq or China be different from someone who doesn t speak o They may see things from a more western perspective Biased Voices How to find sources Learn the language What does language teach you communicate What about the silent language Rules for time and space Other cultural norms Fixers Serve as your interpreters Can help you make connections Can be lifesavers literally o Language teaches you about culture not just how to o People who want to pay journalists for stories 2007 study interviews with 17 journalists U S French and british and 14 fixers Iraguq Key findings o Only one Western journalist fluent in Arabic o Fixers hired through coincidence or friendship based contacts o Journalists used same fixers as their predecessors o High level of dependence o Fixers Arranging interviews and sometimes selcting o Journalists worried about missing something in translation o Fixers Journalists lack of understanding goes way beyond interviewees language o Questions of news value o Fixers said even if the journalist learn the language it wouldn t help because they don t know the culture Nov 10 Immigration 11 01 2011 How for you become a U S Citizens Born to U S citizens born in the U S exceptions naturalized or Non U S citizens who serve in the U S armed forces have improved adopted by a U S citizen chances to naturalize Not so Welcoming Irish in mid 1800 s Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 Immigration Act of 1924 Cartoon Depictions of Irish Americans Irish Americans were depicted as an inferior race to Anglo Saxons Here they are depicted with exaggeration facial features with darker skin

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