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Geology 110 Midterm Review Spring 2014 Week One How do you create a well informed opinion Perspective View outlook Agenda Extrapolation Conclusion out of bounds of observation Assumption an idea without evidence blatant opinion Correlation a parallel possibly coincidental Evidence data verifiable facts FaVes What to look for when researching and reading articles Rhetoric persuasive words often relying on emotion Anecdote one specific incident event or story Testimony declaration by a respected person Speculation conclusion reached with incomplete info Failure to report observations fully and accurately Tendency to favor information that supports one side only Tendency to have an observed group behave unnaturally swaying the observation Replication multiple observers dates times multiple locations Controls Groups along for the ride but not are not experimented on Blind data collection recorder does not know that who is being experimented on Week Two Observation Bias results one way or another Solutions to observation bias Readings EASTER ISLAND Arrived around 900 AD but scientist speculate that it could be earlier o Proven by carbon dating done on charcoal found at dwelling sites o There were also bones of birds that were extinct found in the same charcoal pits The main animals that were used by the people of Easter Island were o Birds o Dolphins o Rats they brought them to the island Vegetation o Trees specifically palm trees Used rocks and stones to retain water Used boats to hunt out at sea POWER STRUCTURE o Chiefs o Peasants o There were multiple clans o Religious Power There were multiple chiefdoms found throughout the island suggesting there were multiple clans with multiple powers What happened when deforestation became a problem on the island o They could no longer build boats They lost a food source because they could no longer hunt the animals of the ocean They were forced to completely change their lifestyle There was some evidence of cannibalism o There was no way to transport statues causing there to be no more monuments made What contributed to the fall of Easter Island o Civil war o Cannibalism o Lots of isolation o The importance of statues became a problem because it took away so many of the resources needed to survive Norse Greenland Arrived around 1000 AD o Carbon dating of lake sediments that had a charcoal layer o Also found tools and other artifacts in the layer of charcoal The main animals that were used o Whales for the baleen The Baleen was used to hold together boats once the iron was used up o Skins o Livestock Vegetation o Lumber o Turf wood houses Once deforestation hit they had to use washed up wood or imported When there was no more wood they used turf and stone to build their Only the richest and churches had stone built houses Metals o Iron Used to make pegs and tools POWER STRUCTURE o The church had the majority of the power What was the response to deforestation o They had wood imported to Norse Greenland o Used wood that washed up onto their land o Used turf for their houses when wood became scarce What ultimately contributed to the fall of Norse Greenland o Over farming o Lack of recourses o They did not adapt the was that was needed for them to survive Photosynthesis Pieces of Photosynthesis o The sun o Chlorophyll absorbs sunlight and drives the process of photosynthesis o Photosystem o Water o Pheophytin a molecule that accepts excited electrons from chlorophyll photosystem and passes them to the electron transport chain o Electron Transporters o NADP oxidized electron carrier that is reduced during light dependent reactions biosynthetic reactions o RuBisCo the enzyme the addition of the CO2 molecule o Carbon Dioxide o Sugar Chains and Starch Trains PROCESS Summary of Chapter One of Energy and The Industrial Revolution IDEAS OF SMITH RICARDO and MALTHUS o SMITH The land set the limits of the economy If there was no more land to produce on there would be no more expansion The land set the bounds on what could possibly be produced and A rise in production meant a rise in wages which in turn meant a higher fertility rate If wages were lower so was the fertility rate grown o RICARDO When land that is poor or has already been used is used again then the output will be less than it was before with fresh land or good land Once smaller amounts of crops are being yielded the affect will be permanent o MALTHUS Similar to Smith believed that wages had affect on the fertility rate of an area Higher wage production meant higher fertility rate Believed that there always needed to be a positive check Positive Check when population growth comes to a halt What are the ideas of heat energy and prime movers because of an outside source o All types of material production involve the expenditure of energy o Transportation of goods can use up as much energy as was needed to produce them in the first place o MECHANICAL POWER came from human or animal muscle A horse or oxen had the power of 6 men so there was a direct need of animal power to keep up with the demand from the human race o THERMAL ENERGY came from the burning of wood or charcoal Burning wood provided the bulk amount of heat energy that was Social Constraints on Reproduction needed and consumed o In an organic economy population growth cannot continue indefinitely there are multiple constraints that keep it from doing so There is a point when population growth comes to a halt and birth and death rates are in balance ORGANIC ECONOMY An economy where food and resources are produced with energy from the land It involves agriculture and man animal power to create WEEK THREE Decision Making Individual vs Groups Individual Decisions o Based on personal experience o Can be influenced by the opinions of others o Research is done before decision is made Group Decisions o Personality matters more Those who come across as confident will have their opinions noticed Those who are more shy tend to not have their opinions heard o Ideally the decision would benefit the entire group o Trust is a factor o More comfortable in self chosen groups Success of New Guinea Tikopia and Japan New Guinea and Tikopia o Small o Individual awareness of the larger picture They paid attention to the land and its limits o Learned from the mistakes of their past If way of producing crops did not yield a lot of products they changed their ways to ensure a better crop the next year o Allegation of resources o Experimentation Used science

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