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HP252 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE PROFESSOR ANNE SULLIVAN SOYDAN SC D 1 Three developmental issues in the study of lifespan development From first lecture Nature and Nurture involves the debate whether development is primarily influenced by biology or environment Continuity and Discontinuity the extent to which development involves gradual cumulative change or distinct stages Stability and change involves the degree to which we remain consistent in our development Are we an older rendition of our early experience or do we develop into someone quite different from who we were at an earlier point in development How do past experiences shape someone 2 Bronfenbrenner s ecological theory and examples from each system Environmental factors influence development Microsystem setting in which the individual lives family peers school neighborhood school experiences Mesosystem relations between Microsystems relations of family experiences to Exosystem links between social setting in which the individual does not have an active role and the individual s immediate context a husband s experiences at home may be influenced by a mother s experiences at work Macrosystem involves the culture in which individuals live culture shapes one Chronosystem patterning of environmental events and transitions over the life course as well as sociohistorical divorce has a negative impact on children 3 Demographic characteristics of the aging population in the U S Greatest in Florida Arizona Texas 4 Life expectancy and causes of death from 1900 to present Life expectancy now is 80 for females and 75 for males Life expectancy of African Americans is 70 years In 1900 life expectancy was 30 years less Japan has the highest life expectancy 81 5 Prenatal and infant development Prenatal stages and impact of teratogens in later development from childhood to old age Germinal Period first 2 weeks after conception rapid cell division by the zygote Embryonic Period 1 to 8 10 weeks post conception blastocyst attaches to uterine wall embryo Fetal Period 2 months birth Teratogens any agent that can cause a birth defect of negatively alter cognitive and behavioral outcomes o Drugs incompatible blood types environmental pollutants infectious diseases nutritional deficiencies maternal stress advanced age of the parent o Can cause birth defects miscarriages retardation low birth weight 6 Major causes of disability and death during each of the developmental periods Infacncy LBW SIDS congenital malformations Adolescence Accidents brain injury spinal cord injury suicide homicide Young Adulthood unintentional injuries homicide suicide cancer Middle Adulthood heart disease cancer cerebrovascular disease stroke Late adulthood Heart disease cancer stoke chronic lung disease pneumonia influenza diabetes 7 Major characteristics of pervasive developmental disorders Autism o Impairments in verbal and nonverbal communication o Impairments in reciprocal social interaction o Repetitive and unusual behaviors Rett s Disorder o Genetic disorder in females Childhood Disintegrative Disorder o First see typical development then decline after 2 o Typical language development and at least average IQ Asperger s PDD NOS o Don t meet all criteria of Autistic Disorder 8 Gender differences in occurrence of health conditions and diseases across the lifespan Autism more prevalent in males Women have a longer lifespan Twice as many women are depressed More women have eating disorders Verbal and Nonverbal communication Reciprocal social interaction Repetitive and unusual behaviors 9 The three areas in which you see impairments and impact of each in autism 10 Definition of middle age including cultural context Middle adulthood 40 65 o Menopause o Chronic disorders increases o Sexual drive lessens o Often brings career change o Have a greater sense of control of their work o Greater sense of environmental mastery o More autonomy and power o Greater financial stability o Empty nest o Finding a meaning in life 11 Physical cognitive emotional and hormonal changes in men and women during middle adulthood Menopause in late 40s early 50s Decline in production of estrogen by the ovaries Cross cultural variations in menopause have been found Higher incidences of nonfatal conditions 12 Healthy People 2010 Leading Health Indicators Midlife crisis Pregnancy complications Hearing and eye sight loss Physical activity Overweight and obesity Tobacco use Substance abuse Responsible sexual behavior Mental health Injury and violence Environmental quality Immunization Access to health care 13 Obesity in middle adulthood definition impact and national trends Increased risk for high blood pressure high cholesterol type 2 diabetes heart disease and stroke gallbladder disease arthritis sleep disturbances cancer Dramatic increase in obesity in past 20 years 14 Diabetes in middle adulthood definition impact and national trends Overweight BMI 25 29 99 Obese BMI 30 6th leading cause of death 17 million people have it Type 2 affect 90 95 of people with diabetes most often appears after age 40 African Americans are twice as likely to get it Complications from diabetes eye disease and blindness kidney disease amputations cardiovascular disease pregnancy complications flu related deaths 15 Differences in health conditions and disorders during middle adulthood incidence risk gender racial factors More likely to get diabetes after 40 years of age Men have higher incidence of fatal chronic disease Women have a higher incidence of nonfatal ones Men experience higher mortality rates than women for all leading causes of death 16 Trends regarding menarche and menopause Usually late 40s early 50s Dramatic decline in production of estrogen by the ovaries Cross cultural variations in menopause have been found 17 Lifestyle factors associated with health and well being during middle adulthood Leading health indicators See Healthy People 2010 Lifestyles to reduce risk for chronic disease o Physical activity healthy diet stop smoking limit alcohol intake weight control Health benefits of regular physical activity o Increases physical fitness builds endurance and muscle strength helps manage weight lowers risk for disease lowers blood pressure reduces feelings of depression and anxiety 18 Work and marriage in midlife satisfaction benefits sources of dissatisfaction Work satisfaction increases from 20 60 Greater commitment to and involvement in work Mid life often brings career change Approximately 80 of

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