FLU LECTURE 2 vaccines form of the pathogen is injected body makes antibodies for rapid immune response types of vaccines killed by chemical treatment flu polio Hep A live attenuated yellow fever measles mumps toxin inactivated chemical rather than actual pathogen ex tetanus diphtheria also called antitoxin recombinant Hep B HPV single viral protein a capsid protein is used how flu vaccine is made virus injected into fertilized eggs infection allowed to proceed white harvested full of virus particles processed w chemical or heat killing some controversies over additives adjuvants agents that stimulate the immune response the dirty little secret of vaccines oils aluminum salts empty flu viruses called virosomes preservatives needed to prevent growth of infection egg based like thiomersal phenoxyethanol formaldehyde or mercury timeline JAN MAY strains of flu virus are cultivated by the CDC and given to FDA for distribution to vaccine producers JUNE JULY FDA tests the strains to determine if they re good for immunization and then mixes them together AUG vaccine packaged SEPT vaccine shipped OCT NOV patients begin to get flu shots immunization artificial induction of immunity by the injection of a foreign object once you get the vaccination you will produce B cells making antibodies to the virus Tamiflu enzyme inhibitor that prevents viral budding only works for viruses that use a receptor containing a 9 carbon amino monosaccharide aka neuraminic acid
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