Macroeconomics ECO2013 Formula Sheet Symbols Y GDP C Consumption I Investment G Government Expenses NX Net Exports X M X Exports M Imports UF Frictional Unemployment US Structural Unemployment UC Cyclical Unemployment U Natural Unemployment U Actual Rate of Unemployment YF Potential Output Y Actual Output GDP r Real Interest Rate i i Nominal Interest Rate Inflation Rate PI Price Index MPC Marginal Propensity to Consume M Expenditure Multiplier CLF Civilian Labor Force RRR Required Reserve Ratio MM Money Multiplier MS Money Supply V Velocity of Money Change In Formulas Y C I G NX CLF Emplyed Unemployed Labor Force Participation Rate CLF Population Unemployment Rate Unemployed CLF Employe to Population Ratio Employed Population U US UF U US UF UC PI cost of bundle in current year cost of bundle in base year New PI Old PI Old PI MPC additional consumption additional income M 1 1 MPC MM 1 RRR Equation of Exchange PY MV P Y M V P M
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