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Sicko Movie Review The film Sicko by Michael Moore is meant to bring light to the corrupt healthcare system currently in place by the United States Even people who work for healthcare companies cannot handle the stress and emotional damage they create for many who fall under the long list of conditions that can deny them healthcare or insurance Innumerable amounts of people are denied healthcare for reasons as trivial as being too skinny too fat or having minor pre existing conditions such as a yeast infection Not surprisingly there is an entire company dedicated to finding holes in health records to deny people healthcare There was one case of a woman who was involved in a car accident whose ambulance ride was not covered by her insurance because she had not pre approved the method of transport However who can predict when they will be in an accident How could she have pre approved while she was lying unconscious on the side of the road These are the questions that Moore examines and this is the method America has in place to treat its citizens in need of help Sadly senior citizens are not able to retire because they need the health insurance provided by their jobs Medical expertise is used to save companies money instead of saving lives A recorded conversation between former President Nixon and Edgar J Kaiser founder of Kaiser Permanente mentions that the less care they give them the more money they make Hillary Clinton wanted healthcare to be unrestricted and used her position of influence as first lady to try and improve the system but many people opposed her ideas The AMA did not want uniformed or socialized medicine and the government spent millions of dollars to fight her healthcare plan Congressman Billy Tosen was influential in Bush s signing of the 2003 senior healthcare bill that never really gave universal healthcare Moore mentions that Tommy Douglas introduced universal healthcare in Canada Canadians have no health deductible and live on average three years longer than Americans do However one thing not mentioned is that it takes months for treatment to be received Meanwhile patients may worsen and even die If healthcare was free in America people would flood hospitals for every common cold they acquired If the American government paid for healthcare it would remove people s incentive to work and pay for it themselves landing many more people on welfare Although universal healthcare sounds like a great idea Countries with free healthcare are swimming in debt Tony Benn notes that if you have power you use it to meet the needs of your community If people are in debt they are hopeless and if they are hopeless they won t bother voting Benn believes that frightened and demoralized people are easier to control which is why Americans are kept under control by the government In France people control the government by demanding what they want but in America the people are controlled by the government While referring to the massive amounts of funds raised to aid war efforts he notes that if you can find money to kill people you can find money to help people One good strategy mentioned by the film is to offer incentives to doctors for keeping patients healthy The healthier their patients are the more British doctors get paid It has been said that you can judge a society by how well it treats its poor but patients in American hospitals who are unable to pay their bills are dumped off at shelters Americans treat their heroes those on government payroll like saints while rescue volunteers who develop health conditions are not cared for The worst terrorists in Guantanamo Bay have top notch healthcare while America is suffering from stipulations In fact Guantanamo Bay is the only piece of American soil known to have free universal healthcare So the question remains why do we copy other countries to gain better foods cars and clothes when we can clearly see their healthcare systems benefit others and we keep the fallible one we have

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