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1 Difference between moral amoral immoral a Morals right vs wrong b Amoral no morals no sense of right wrong c Immoral knowing the difference but choosing the wrong 2 Moral dilemmas pit right v wrong then ethical dilemmas pit right v what a Ethics right vs right i One value pitted against another ii Who you are in the dark when no one is watching b Moral Temptation gave into the wrong c Ethical Dilemma two rights to choose from 4 Four fundamental types of ethical dilemmas ind v 3 Three types of wrongs a Deviation from Law b Deviation from Moral Rectitude c Deviation from Fact community etc a Individual vs Community b Justice vs Mercy c Truth vs Loyalty d Short term vs Long term 5 Explain Rawls veil of ignorance a Starting point for any kind of ethical decision making b Ignorant to your role that you re going to play c Wants us to strip all personal bias from our decisions d Put yourself in the shoes of everyone measure it out and make your decision 6 Name our four great thinkers and the basic tenets of their philosophies regarding ethical dilemmas solution based ends based care based golden mean Be familiar with Kant s categorical imperative Mills utilitarianism etc a Aristotle i Solution Based ii The four causes iii Golden mean b John Stewart Mills i Ends Based ii Utilitarianism 1 The belief that a morally good action is one that helps the greatest number of people c Kant i Rules Based ii Categorical Imperative 1 A way for evaluation motivations for action 2 Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law d Judeo Christian i Golden Rule ii Care Based 7 Who is James Bone Stockdale Be able to detail some of this story including dates and name of the philosopher who got him through his trials a In 1965 during the Vietnam War he was captured and held as a prisoner of war in Vietnam He was awarded 26 personal combat decorations including the Medal of Honor and the four silver stars b Inspiration was from Epictitus the stoic philosopher their character i the only thing someone possesses in life is ii You can have my corpse you can take my body but you can t take my life 8 What is the basic notion behind Stoic philosophy Always do the right thing Greek philosophy tends to be focus on the pursuit of pleasure and happiness as the highest virtue Be able to why the stoics believe that always doing the right and virtuous thing helps attain that larger goal a The Greeks believed that life is about pleasure but also moderation b Everything must be done at a balance 9 Who are Stephen Glass Janet Cooke and Jayson Blair Why are they infamous Whom did they work for and when Be able to describe at least two 2 of the major stories for which they are best known a Stephen Glass i Shattered Glass movie 1 1995 1998 b Janet Cooke 1980 ii Fabricated Articles at the New Republic 1 Software companies and Hackers hire hackers at this convention and pay one million dollars so the hackers would stop breaking their security systems 2 Republican Convention drunk prostitutes and half wrecked the room i Writer of Jimmy s World published in the Washington Post about a boy who is 8 years old and addicted to heroine Won the Pulitzer Prize ii Claimed she had a degree from Vassar College and a Masters Degree from University of Toledo c Jayson Blair i Former journalist for the New York Times resigned in 2003 when his stories were found to be fabricated ii One mistake was a story about a student who died of a cocaine overdose but actually died of a heart ailment iii Wrote stories about Iraq and war quoting unnamed officials etc 1 US Sniper Case Seen as a Barrier to Confession 2 Peace and Answers Eluding Victims of the Sniper Attacks 10 What is meant by the inner chimp RadioLab and according to Franz de Waal the chimp guy what two unique aspects of human psychology seem to have helped according to our scientist friend delineate humans from apes and other organisms a Inner Chimp Inherited Morality Evolutionary i ii Primitive Morality biological inner chimp iii Josh Green Studies iv Nature Vs Nurture 1 Is morality embedded in our brains b Franz De Waal i Primitive study observation tower ii Observed chimps sharing blackberries iii Decided the difference between human and ape is empathy guilt shame Who decides if something is off the record A lot of you in our papers have said that the source decides Nope It s actually a negotiation A source can request that they go off the record but ultimately it is up to the reporter to either or agree or disagree If the information is truly vital and a reporter believes he or she will not be able to obtain the truth without going off the record then they might agree or even suggest that the go off the record Those of you who end up dealing with the press should know that just stating this is off the record guarantees nothing You can say it al you want unless a reporter says OK you re on the record

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