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Intro to Organizational Communication Communication 3325 Dr DeAndrea Spring 2014 Final Exam Friday April 25 4 00pm th Overview All content from the final portion of class is fair game for the exam the exam is not cumulative This includes chapters 8 10 11 from the main textbook in class lectures and content covered during lecture from the optional books listed on your syllabus i e Negotiating Rationally chapter 4 from Reflect Relate I recommend that students focus on material covered in lecture and look for areas of overlap in the textbook for review Format There will be true false questions and multiple choice questions Leadership Trait theories of leadership pros and cons o Leaders can have certain characteristics o Guiding assumption If someone has qualities x y and z They will be an effective leader Ex Good communications skills highly organized decisive humble charismatic willing to delegate o Organizations advocating a trait approach to leadership might use personality tests to select people with the right combination of characteristics or might use these traits to help organization members in self assessment o Model can suggest that leaders have particular behavior styles that make them more of less of effective leaders Essentially a way of translating preferred traits into preferred behaviors o What traits Intelligence Verbal ability cognitive ability Perceptual ability Reasoning Intelligence is broad Self confidence Contingency theory Feel you can make a difference Determination Desire to get job done Integrity Honesty Trustworthiness Sociability Friendly outgoing Will to follow someone they like more than someone they dislike o Overall little support for trait theories Assume leadership success across situations Assume stable leadership traits Need to consider how leadership styles work for specific situations Different individuals might be differently suited for various leadership situations LMX model proposes leaders develop different leader relationships with different subordinates Idea of having ideal type of leader is contrary to experience in which leaders work in different ways with different people o When many scholars rejected a trait approach to leadership they turned to ideas that emphasized the match of style of the leader to the characteristics of the situation best known is contingency theory o Fielder studied groups to learn about leader effectiveness Found that Cant predict group success just by the leaders qualities Cant predict based on the situation the leader faces Success was contingent on both The leaders motivational style The leaders capacity to control the situation o Leadership styles Relationship motivated leaders Emphasis on maintaining positive relationships within group friendliness trust Better in mid range situations o Relationship building needed and appreciated o Not too far gone to be effective Task motivated leaders Emphasis on completing task regulating behavior Better when situations are highly favorable or unfavorable reducing goal ambiguity o Good situations Nothing to worry about Focus on task o Bad situations Drive group toward goals Things are so messed up that you would never be able to fix relationships o Situation characteristics Leader member relations Quality of relationship between leader and group Task structure Position power Do people know what is expected of them How much authority does leader possess Leader member exchange theory o Basic premise Leadership is a series of dyadic relationships Develop and are negotiated over time Look at how leader interacts with each member Relationships can range in closeness Leader member exchange LMX o Mutual trust liking greater interaction Supervisory exchange SX o Role refined o Contractually based LMX in group SX out group o Range of relationship types LMX vs SX continuum Can be more personal or unique to an individual OR you are just A worker or A player How leader treats member Member is place in in group or out group o Want to be placed in in group Leaders farther on the LMX side want workers to be motivated to do well while SX workers simply will threaten to fire if the worker doesn t get the job done o Characteristics of different superior subordinate relationships Building trust through communication Behavioral consistency o Subordinate can predict future behavior Integrity o Telling truth Sharing and delegating Demonstration of concern Immediacy Communicating warmth and closeness o Attentiveness o Nonverbal cues o Verbal appreciation Feedback Can have positive outcomes o But only when done effectively When giving positive feedback o Add complexity Subordinate will process more Effects more long lasting Include guidance for additional improvement o When giving negative feedback Focus on group organization standards Don t fall in avoidance trap How to improve superior subordinate relationships o Tactics for subordinates Personal Contractual Informal interaction Conform to rules expectations Regulative Strategic control of messages o No TMI o Appropriate emotion and contact Direct negotiation What our relationship should be like Resolve received injustices o Tactics for leaders LMX Use more pro social tactics o Self esteem responsibility to others Don t invoke authority as much o Less likely to use punishment threats SX More likely to invoke authority o Give directives Emotion in the workplace Emotion at work o Emotion is often unavoidable Public vs private tensions Friends outside of work Private disclosure in public meeting Interdependence of workers Bad apple spoils bunch Rumors Conflicting allegiances Emotional rights expectations Problematic when violated How do we deal with inevitability of emotion Scholar developed emotional rules Emotional labor o Displaying emotion as part of the job Often faked Why o To satisfy job requirements o For personal gain Emotional work o Deal with genuine and managed emotions Notice need for compassion Connect by taking other perspective Respond verbally and nonverbally to help situation Why emotion affects work relationships Emotional rules Emotional intelligence o Ability to Recognize and interpret emotion Is coworker unhappy Am I unhappy Control emotion Control anger Control frustration Express emotion Show empathy support o Predictive of Successful leadership Less bullying More forgiving Dealing with anger o Anger causes people to Be physically and verbally aggressive Passive aggressive Dirty looks silent treatment o How do people

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OSU COMM 3325 - Final Exam

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