HDFS 2400 Exam 1 Study Guide Dr Roy Fish Lecturer Exam 1 will cover a sampling of topics from chapters 1 6 There will be 10 multiple choice questions per chapter 60 questions total Many of the questions will be similar to those encountered on your online quizzes This study guide highlights the sections topics in your text 2nd edition from which the exam questions are taken It should significantly help you to narrow your focus as you prepare for the exam You may also use the Exam 1 Study Guide Q A discussion board to collaborate with classmates on working through the study guide Chapter 1 History Theory and Research Strategies a developmental science field p 3 span b continuous or discontinuous development p 4 a a field of study devoted to understanding constancy and change throughout the life a continuous development is a process of gradually augmenting the same types of skills that were there to begin with b discontinuous development is a process in which new ways of understanding and responding to the world emerge at a different time i takes place in qualitative stages such as climbing a staircase and that every steps is a rapid transformation In other words change is fairly sudden rather than gradual and ongoing c factors that shape development One Course of Development or Many Relative Influence of Nature and Nurture p 4 5 3 questions a Course of development is many layered and complex b People grow up in different contexts which results in different intellectual capacities social skills and feelings about self and other c Both nature and nurture affect development i Stability stress the importance of heredity ii Environment early experiences iii Plasticity change is possible d resilience p 8 Box Resilience the ability to adapt effectively in the face of threats to development a b affected by personal characteristics a warm parental relationship social support outside the immediate family and community resources and opportunities e be able to recognize distinguish among the major theories of development p 22 Table 1 5 a Psychoanalytic Perspective psychosexual and psychosocial development takes place in stages behaviors i discontinuous one course nature and nurture ii Early experiences set the course for later development b Behaviorism and social learning theory development involves an increase in learned c Piaget s cognitive developmental theory cognitive development takes place in stages i Continuous many possible courses nurture ii Both early and later experiences are important i Discontinuous one course nature and nurture ii Both early and later experiences are important d Information processing children and adults change gradually in perception attention memory and problem solving skills i Continuous once course both nature and nurture ii Both early and later experiences are important e Ethology and evolutionary developmental psychology children and adults gradually develop a wider range of adaptive behaviors However sudden changes can occur i Continuous AND discontinuous one course nature and nurture ii Evolution hereditary and early experiences set the course of later development f Vygotsky s sociocultural theory language development and schooling leads to stagewise changes i Both continuous AND discontinuous many possible courses nature and nurture ii Both early and later experiences are important g Ecological systems theory i Many courses nature and nurture ii Early and later experiences are important h Lifespan perspective new skills occur i Continuous AND discontinuous many courses nature and nurture ii Early and later experiences are important be able to recognize common research methods p 23 Table 1 6 p 26 f a Systematic Observation i Naturalistic ii Structured behavior in natural contexts behavior in a laboratory same conditions for everyone i Clinical interview investigator obtains a complete account of the participant s ii Structured interview each participant is asked the same questions in the same b Self Reports thoughts way c Case Study i Full picture of an individual s psychological functioning obtained by interviews observations and test scores d Ethnography i Researcher tries to capture the culture s unique values and social processes g correlational design correlational coefficient p 27 a Correlational design researchers gather information on individuals generally in natural life circumstances without altering their experiences Look at the relationship between a participant s characteristics and their behavior or development b Correlational coefficient number that describes how two variables are associated with each other h experimental design independent versus dependent variables p 28 a permits inferences about cause and effect because researchers use an evenhanded procedure to assign people to two or more treatment conditions i independent the one the investigator expects to change another variable Chapter 2 Biological and Environmental Foundations a phenotypes versus genotypes p 36 a Phenotype observable characteristics b Genotype genetic information b meiosis what happens during it p 37 c Boy or Girl p 37 a gametes formed halves the number of chromosomes normally present in body cells a 22 23 pair of chromosomes are matching pairs the 23rd consists of the sex d monozygotic versus dizygotic offspring p 37 38 a monozygotic identical twins zygote that started to duplicate separates into two clusters chromosomes of cells b dizygotic fraternal release and fertilization of two ova e alleles homozygous and heterozygous pairings p 38 a each form of a gene b if two alleles are alike the child is homozygous if they differ then the child is heterozygous f X linked disorders what are they and who they effect p 39 a Carried out on the x chromosomes b Affects males mostly because their chromosomes do not match g adopted children outcomes p 44 45 a has more learning and emotional difficulties than other children h benefits of educating girls in developing countries p 48 Box Worldwide Education of Girls a communicative skills i heritability estimates and kinship studies p 54 a heritability estimates measure the extent to which individual differences in complex traits in a specific population are due to genetic factors b Kinship studies compare the characteristics of family members j how nature and nurture work together know concepts of reaction range and niche picking p 55 56 a range of reaction each person s unique genetically determined response to the
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