1 Full Name Lynne Diane Drury Parents Ryan and Diane Drury 2 3 What is your relationship with your parents like I dislike my mom greatly My dad is hilarious and we like to joke around but he s distant Places lived Kalamazoo MI Mulliken MI Fenghuang China Significant other Jacek Lerych 5 6 What languages does he know Japanese Chinese 4 German English Polish Latin Italian French and Spanish 7 What brought him to China from Poland 8 Where did you meet China teaching English 9 10 Favorite food Prime rib Eye color Pale blue Favorite drink Martini 14 11 12 Height 5 3 Your age 25 13 Skin tone Ivory a little on the tan side Favorite childhood pastime Asking questions Always 15 16 Did you grow up poor My parents were middle class 17 Did you have pets Growing up I had a hound dog named Captain Kirk and a Maine Coon cat named Russet Personality type ENTJ 18 19 Birthday March 12th 1960 Favorite color Spring green 20 21 Characteristics ambitious bold brilliant cheerful clever critical confident curious efficient energetic fair fearless funny harsh honest impatient independent intelligent sarcastic 22 Religious affiliation Vulcan 23 Political party Democrat but we re all screwed I prefer to just call myself a lefty Fan club Star Trek Trekky all the way 24 25 Birthstone Bloodstone dark green with red specks 26 Degree Masters in Creative Writing from Western Michigan University 27 What is your idea of perfect happiness I adore writing plays There s nothing better on earth 28 What is your greatest fear That I ll get caught up in the 29 system of the world and forget to live Favorite quote Fiction is one of the few experiences where loneliness can be both confronted and relieved Drugs movies where stuff blows up loud parties all these chase away loneliness by making me forget my name s Dave and I live in a one by one box of bone no other party can penetrate or know Fiction poetry music really deep serious sex and in various ways religion these are the places for me where loneliness is countenanced stared down transfigured treated 30 What is the trait you most deplore in yourself Impatience 31 What do you consider the most overrated virtue humility 32 On what occasion do you lie I value truth over all things 33 What do you most dislike about your appearance My 34 Which words or phrases do you most overuse Uh ya 35 When and where were you happiest Sitting on a rooftop in China with Jacek holding me and dreaming of the years ahead If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be I d want to be less critical of others 36 37 Hobbies Playing french horn writing traveling acting 38 Where would you most like to live Some exotic place with sun beaches and lush grass 39 What is your most treasured possession A yellow topaz with stupidity so I try never to lie chubby cheeks sarcastic tone pendant Jacek gave me 40 What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery Loose ends of a story regrets or injustices that go unaddressed 41 How do you deal with conflict or change I take both very well I keep a cool head and I actually enjoy the occasional change 42 What is your favorite occupation Teaching I adore teaching 43 What is your most marked characteristic My short curly blond hair and my energetic nature 44 What do you most value in your friends Honesty intelligence and an open mind 45 Who are your favorite writers Percy Bysshe Shelley English Romantic poet William Shakespeare I call him Old Bill Henri Frederic Amiel Swiss poet Theodore Dreiser Novelist Journalist David Foster Wallace novelist short story writer essayist 46 Who is your fictional hero Hamlet 47 What is your goal at this moment Find out how to explain to my student why the English language has silent letters Notes on how Lerych would tell this story She likes to be sarcastic and playful not too serious so when things get a little serious she ll throw in some joke so she doesn t feel uncomfortable She doesn t like to admit her strong emotions she would rather talk about the emotions of fictional characters That is how she connects with people through stories that are not her own This is why love is strange to her The first person she ever admitted to loving is her little student Ai When she has to leave she says I love you for the first time in her life She says it to both Ai and her brother Song that she doesn t really love Ai makes her a little Chinese doll with blond curly hair which she loses without realizing Lynne loves Chinese culture and loves traveling She gets tired of rice though The green she says she will always miss When she moves to Washington it reminds her a little or the green Sitting on the hotel roof in Washington with the man she will soon marry looking at Mount Rainier she can t help but breathe and lie back into Jacek s chest The beautiful peace of the night is passing and another story is on the horizon Her writing isn t dumbed down She states her opinion she states her facts No I think or I feel
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