1 accommodation Piagetian concept of adjusting schemes to 19 design stage Psych 212H Quiz 2 Study online at quizlet com ljqx0 fit new information and experiences opportunities for interaction offered by objects that fit within our capabilities to perform functional activities belief that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities and are capable of action loss or impairment of language processing caused by braindamage Piagetian concept involving incorporation of new information into existing schemes focusing of mental resources on select information scales that are widely used in assessing infant development current edition has five components cognitive language motor socioemotional adaptive 2 affordances 3 animism 4 aphasia 5 assimilation 6 attention 7 Bayley scales of infant development 20 developmental quotient DQ Kellogg s term for 3 4 year olds drawings that mix two basic shapes into more complex designs overall score that combines subscores in motor language adaptive and personal social domains in the Gesell assessments of infants 21 dishabituation recovery of habituated response after change in stimulation 22 dynamic systems theory perspective on motor development that seeks to explain how motor skills are assembled for perceiving and acting 23 ecological view perception functions to bring organizms in 24 egocentrism 8 Broca s area brain s left frontal lobe involved in speech production 25 equilibration 9 centration 10 cephalocaudal pattern the focusing of attention on one characteristic to the exclusion of all others sequence in which earliest growth always occurs at the top with physical growth and differentiation of features gradually working their way down 26 executive attention 11 cerebral cortex covers forebrain includes two hemispheres 27 executive functioning 12 child directed speech 13 concepts 14 conservation 15 coordination of secondary circular reactions language spoken in a higher pitch than normal with simple words and sentences cognitive groupings of similar objects events people or ideas concept that an objects or substances basic properties stay the same even though appearance has been altered fourth sensorimotor substage develops between 8 12 moths actions become more outwardly directed and infants coordinate schemes and act with intentionality 16 core knowledge approach view that infants are born with domain specific innate knowledge systems 28 explicit memory 29 fine motor skills 30 first habits and primary circular reactions imitation that occurs after a delay of hours or days 31 forebrain 17 deferred imitation 18 Denver developmental screening test II contact with the environment and to increase adaptation concept that describes the inability to distinguish between one s own perspective and someone else s perspective a mechanism that Piaget proposed to explain how children shift from one stage of thought to the next involves action planning allocating attention to goals error detection and compensation monitoring progress on tasks and dealing with novel or difficult circumstances umbrella like concept that consists of a number of higher level cognitive processes linked to the development of the brain s prefrontal cortex executive functioning involves managing one s thoughts to engage in goal directed behavior and self control conscious memory of facts and experience motor skills that involve finely tuned movements such as finger dexterity second sensorimotor substage which develops between 1 and 4 months of age In this substage the infant coordinates sensation and two types of schemes habits and primary circular reactions includes cerebral cortex and several other structures test used to diagnose developmental delay in children from birth 6 years includes separate assessments of gross and fine motor skills language and personal social ability 32 frontal lobe movement thinking personality emotion memory attention intentionality or purpose 33 grasping reflex neonatal reflex that occurs when something touches infant s palms infant response by grasping tightly 34 gross motor skills 35 growth hormone deficiency 36 habituation 37 implicit memory 38 infinite generativity 39 intermodal perception motor skills that involve large muscle activities absence or deficiency of growth hormone produced by pituitary gland to stimulate body growth decreased responsiveness to a stimulus after after repeated representations of the stimulus memory without conscious recollection involves skills and routine procedures that are automatically performed ability to produce an endless number of meaningful sentences using a finite set of words and rules ability to relate and integrate information from two or more sensory modalities such as vision and hearing 40 internalization of schemes sixth and final sensorimotor substage from 18 24 months infant develops ability to use primitive symbols 41 intuitive thought substage 42 joint attention 43 kwashiorkor 44 language 45 language acquisition device LAD second substage of preoperational thought where children begin to use primitive reasoning and want to know the answers to all sorts of questions 4 7 years of age occurs when individuals focus on same object or event and are able to track each other s behavior one individual directs another s attention and reciprocal interaction is present severe protein deficiency appears between 1 3 causes abdomen and feet to swell with water vital organs to collect nutrients that are present and deprive other parts of the body form of communication whether spoken written or signed that is based on a system of symbols Chomsky s term that describes a biological endowment that enables the child to detect the features and rules of language including phonology syntax and semantics 46 lateralization specialization of function in one hemisphere of the cerebral cortex 47 marasmus 48 memory severe protein calorie deficiency and grossly underweight and atrophied muscles central feature of cognitive development involving the retention of information over time 49 moro reflex 50 morphology 51 myelination 52 neuroconstructivist view 53 night terrors 54 nightmares 55 A not B error 56 object permanence 57 occipital lobe vision 58 operations 59 organization neonatal startle response that occurs in reaction to a sudden intense noise or movement startled newborns arch their back throw their head back and fling out their arms and legs rapidly close their arms and legs bringing them close to center of body unites of
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