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Final Exam Study Guide All Lecture Notes These are my notes from every lecture of this year I have not missed a single lecture the entire course Some dates notes were not taken due to a movie day or test day All of the information in these notes comes from Professor McDow s lectures I own none of the information The images come from google images and belong to their respective sources Again this guide in no way shape or form guarantees any grade it is simply a study tool These notes are the information presented in Professor McDow s lecture over the course of the year and written by me these notes are not created by Professor McDow All information belongs to their proper and original sources I own none of the information presented in this study guide Most of it is water Maps typically aren t to scale the land masses Many different perspective of the world map A plethora of types of maps o As well as a large quantity of inferences that can be made from each one 1 14 2014 Lecture Notes History 1682 World Map A world of dating Centuries o 16th century 1500s Countries Even the idea nation state has a history o Nationalism China Italy Germany Before European Hegemony Hegemony Strong influence over others 1 16 14 History 1682 Lecture Notes Review What is hegemony Strong influence or dominance Key Terms Chapter 11 404 439 Constantinople Istanbul Janissaries devshirme Safavid Empire Shiism Shah Black Death Ottoman Empire Mughal Empire Sikhism Moors Reconquest Inquisition Humanism Ming Dynasty 368 Renaissance Zheng He What did the world look like in the 13 th Century New kind of world system Roman s Chinese are in direct contact o Communication starts to decline Islam begins to unite multiple peoples Urban centers and costal trading towns begin to become connected Economic integration and cultural flourishing were tied into each other The beginnings of class separation A time when goods moved further than people 8 circuits of 13 century world system Three Major Subsystems Regions Northwestern Europe Christendom Middle Eastern Dar al Islam Far Eastern India and China Spices were extremely important because they were so light to carry but worth a lot of money If the most important trading centers were in Asia what was Europe s role in the world system Europe was peripheral role of Venice Genoa growing Crusades o Siege of Damascus 1149 Armies of Baldwin III Louis VII and Conrad III Part of the second crusade o Created interest and demand for Asian other outside cultural goods Genoa Venice of Italy o Huge important trading cities o Moved trade along the Mediterranean o Served as Europe s gateway to the rest of the world Malacca Melaka Vital Node Whoever is lord of Malacca has his hand on the throat of Venice If Cambay were cut off from trading with Malacca it couldn t live Gathering point while waiting for the monsoon winds to change directions huge cultural build up Killed everywhere but amounts varied depending on the places What major change to the global system took place in the 14 th century The Contraction of the World System 1350 1450 Black Death 1320 1360 o Fleas o Seems to have started in Burma Asia o Spread all the way to Europe o Didn t have the same impact everywhere it went Social and Political Disturbances o Mongol collapse Collapsed due to fleas The fleas had the plague o Rise of the Ming dynasty 1368 o Rise of the Ottomans What were some impacts on the contraction of the world system Mongol collapse o 14th century Ming Dynasty o Initial engagement with outside trade Zheng He admiral o Later withdrawal Ottoman 1400 Rise in Dominance of the Ottomans Origins in Anatolia Dominant political military and economic role Becomes Muslim empire History 1682 Lecture Notes 1 23 14 European Trading Venice and Genoa were huge trading cities in Italy Italy has big connections to the rest of the world Cristoforo Colombo 1451 1506 Christopher Columbus From Genoa Faulty logic Contingency and historical chance Did he realize what he had done Unanticipated consequences Spain funds Columbus o His numbers were way off Misread Arabic texts Marco Polo calculations were incorrect Sailed in 1492 10 commission on any spices precious metals etc that he found Nina Pinta and Santa Maria were his ships His actions were huge encouraged the European Exploration 1420 1580 Did Columbus discover the Americas Lots of debate o Vikings o Natives need to be discovered He initiated the first wave of cross cultural contact on a global scale o What is more accurate to say Why didn t Genoa and Venice take the lead in exploring the Atlantic Fighting for supremacy against the Ottoman Empire a side note Inertia reason 1 o Why move on when trade is already going great Technology reason 2 o Mediterranean ships couldn t handle the Atlantic ocean Why did the initiative come from the Iberian Peninsula for exploring the Atlantic Economics and geography Technology o They geographically are located into the Atlantic ocean o Compasses and especially ships that could withstand the Atlantic ocean Ideology often gets left out o Strongly anti Muslim history in Spain Portugal Catholic militant ideology Kicked out Muslims and Jews Reconquista Reconquering the territory of the Jews and Muslims Granada o Granada Huge area in Southern Spain Iberian peninsula that was Muslim Eurocentric framework Old World Europe discovers and isolated New World Americas Old World 1 Africa Eurasia New World Columbian Exchange Africa Asia Europe Old World 2 The Americas What was the Columbian Exchange Exchange of people idea goods and more across the Atlantic Ocean Exchange both ways Knowledge plants animals and disease Gold Silver Corn potatoes beans vanilla chocolate tobacco and cotton New world gave Old World gave Wheat Sugar Smallpox measles bubonic plague influenza and more Potatoes are easily to cultivate huge in food exchange Important stable around 1600 Think it came from Peru Rice Coffee Horses cows pigs Africa gave Slaves Amerindian Corn Maize White potatoes Sweet Potatoes Beans Protein Large variety Poor man s meat Manioc Cassava Root crop from South America Easily to cultivate like potatoes Big in China due to its huge population More food means an increase in population Pigs were big in the exchange Portable food source Role of Disease in the Columbian Exchange Due to separation people in one place didn t have immunities to the diseases of Disease went along with more than just people o Plants o Animals another place Small pox 1519 to Caribbean

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OSU HISTORY 1682 - Final Exam Study Guide

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