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Film Studies Final Study Guide Point of View Shot a shot which through editing appears to be from the vantage point of one of the characters Kuleshov Effect showing an object and then showing a person s face or emotion allowing us to make an inference about how that person feel about the object person Subjective Point of View viewpoint of character Cross Cutting parallel editing objective view of the camera cutting back and forth between different scenes so that the audience infers they are taking place simultaneously Fade gradually disappears to a black screen or appears from a black screen darkness overcomes slowly Usually used to signal the passage of time Dissolve instead of moving from one shot to darkness it s one shot to another An overlay of shots Used to signal sometimes something internal or a change in location but no inherent reason Wipe a shot slides in and moves across replaces a new shot Iris a circle with blackness around it gets smaller until the screen is black or it will start in black and appear from the iris Pan a horizontal movement achieved by pivoting the camera Tilt a vertical movement achieved by pivoting the camera back and forth upward or downward Track a horizontal movement achieved by mounting the camera on wheels or a track and moving it back and forth o dolly camera is mounted on wheels can move in variable directions straight line o track camera is mounted on a track can only move in a o truck camera is mounted on a truck or car crane a vertical movement achieved by raising or lowering the camera zoom a movement achieved by changing the focal length of the camera Cinema of attractions sensation and spectacle voyeurism instead of narrative spectacle without narrative Spectacles include mechanism wonder at the movement of the medium special effects documentary ethnography pornography Invisible Editing subtle movements back and forth no extremes does not call attention to itself Two ways to analyze film analyze a single scene or look and one theme or motif in the whole film Shot a single stream of images uninterrupted by editing A continuously exposed unedited piece of film Cut a transition between shots Shot Reverse Shot Sequence the camera is focused on one character and then after a cut it is focused on another character usually used during conversations between characters Over the Shoulder shot bridges the gap between the two shots constantly used Eye line match occurs when a close up of an actor s face is followed by a shot of another person or object The spectator makes a mental link and accepts that the actor in the first shot is looking at the person or object in the second shot This bridges the cut and creates a sense of continuity Master establishing shot establishes the scene and where the characters are in relation to each other Establishes a special relationship among characters objects and the setting Cut in the cut from a master shot to a close up Jump cut a cut to a shot from the same or similar camera position causes the images to appear to jump on the screen to be avoided for fear that it may startle the audience and remind them that it is a constructed film 180 degree rule never jump to a shot on the other side of the original shot flips position of characters and throw off the continuity match on action when an edit takes place in the middle of an action the goal is to bridge the divide between one shot and another Graphic match when two successive shots are joined to emphasize a strong similarity of compositional elements colors shape or motion that occurs in roughly the same position in the frame Voyeurism getting sexual or simple pleasure through watching others lives discerned Extreme long shot very far out characters can barely be Long shot full body medium shot knees or waist up medium close up middle of the chest up close up shoulder or head or an object extreme close up part of the head low angle shot a shot taken looking up at something high angle shot a shot taken looking down on something straight on parallel shot a shot taken straight ahead canted a shot take diagonally the camera is on a diagonal Deep focus stuff in the foreground and background or both are in focus allows for long takes All objects in frame are in focus deep space foreground and background are in focus shallow space foreground only is in focus Wide angle lens a lens which takes in a wider area than a normal lens it also expands and makes objects that are further away seem further than they actually are Makes background appear further away Telephoto lens a lens which compresses space by making the background appear closer Sequence shot a long take involving extensive camera movement Auteur theory director as a primary author of the film auteur is expressing a personal visions consistent style consistent themes Bertolt Brecht created the Alienation Effect separates the audience from the characters because Brecht believed if you identify with characters then you only connect with the play on an emotional level and you don t have the alienation to truly understand the meaning of the film Vertical Integration studios controlled financing production distribution and exhibition Film noir characteristics include the private eye the femme fatale the good woman the everyman plots that focus on crime gone wrong detective plot lovers on the run plot out of the past plot or everyman entrapped plot use of voice over narration flashback structure high contrast lighting oblique line oppressive compositions French New Wave started in 1959 Cahiers de Cinema auteur theory championing of Hitchcock and Cinema Verit type of documentary film not about trying to American genre film create an illusion of reality Bechtel Test does the movie have at least two female characters do the two female characters talk to each other about something other than a man looping actors re recording and syncing their dialogue in post production post synchronized sound sound added to the film in post Dialogue Editor the person who is responsible for cleaning up and augmenting the sound of the dialogue Foley Artist the person who records unique sound effects for the production film Sound Effects Editor the person who creates sound effects by recording new sounds combining sounds or taking sounds from a sound library and adds them in to the film Sound Mixer the person responsible for combining music dialogue and sound effects tracks Diegetic sound sound from the world of the movie dialogue

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OSU ENGLISH 2263 - Film Studies Final Study Guide

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