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Study Guide Learning Motivation QUIZ TWO Lecture One Measuring a conditioned response o Conditioned Response Latency Latency Used to indicate time until the CR occurs after the CS has begun Identify how strong the association is and how well the subject learned the relationship between the CS and US Response is slow to get started Example In short delay o Predicting there is a short latency to the CR CR will occur as soon as the CS begins and until the US begins o Short latency in short delay procedures In long delay o See the response occur and continue throughout the interval of the CS onset and the US onset o Shift in latency subject starts to figure out when the US is going to occur the CS CR starts a little bit later after each trial Stronger association shift in the latency then longer latency within the CR Indicates stronger association In trace conditioning o CS stops before the US onset o Before the subject has learned the relationship may show CR during o If CR occurs during the interval indicates better association depends on how long the trace interval is if it s short don t see much of a latency shift In CS alone test o Measure response to the CS all by itself after we believe the subject has learned the relationship o Get a great measure of the response that isn t contaminated by the US and US can measure the full strength of that CR o Magnitude of the conditioned response strength of CR Example Pavlov measured the amount of saliva more saliva stronger response Example Rats shock Could strap onto the rats legs something that measures muscle tensing Explicitly unpaired control procedure cringing more muscle contraction o Need a control comparison novel stimulus with US creating a CS o False positive see behaviors developing and changing that aren t due to our stimulus o Explicitly unpaired control group Present same two stimuli that we re using in the experimental group For the control group present them in random order and far enough apart so they re no way the subject can form an association so no conditioning can take place Everyday you determine a new order Control group gets shocks over course of same trial in random order End of training period looked for CR in experimental group Do we see response occurring anywhere in the control group Could see sensitization because you re exposed to stimulus o If we only see the behavior developing in the experimental group then it s not sensitization o If we see sensitization in BOTH groups Pseudoconditioning false conditioning in experimental group Looks like behavior change due to classical conditioning but actually due to sensitization effect If it s a real CR once the association has been learned AND nothing happens to break that association then you should see CR for a long time o BUT in pseudoconditioning if you allow a day to pass you won t see the response Effectiveness of the CS and the US o Novelty For both the CS and US If you choose novel stimuli subject is not familiar with them and likely to produce faster conditioning o Why Aren t associated with anything else initially Habituation chances are they have habituated to it if it s not CS familiar novel Takes longer to develop an associated with the US Proposed that subject begins to pay attention to what is consistent and changing in environment and tried to eliminate possible stimuli then focuses on the CS Latest inhibition CS pre exposure effect o If you re exposed to the CR it ll be harder to develop an association US familiar o Intensity Longer to develop associated with CS In the pairing it s call US pre exposure effect More intense the CS the more intense the US the better the learning will be Make the stimuli intense enough to be salient relative to the background Example small flashlight in a dark room is more salient then a small flashlight in a lit room Yerkes Dodson Law law of intensity Optimal performance behavior with intensity Inverted U function that for every stimulus there is an optimal intensity that leads to highest level of behavior If you keep increasing the intensity decrease in the behavior performance o Contiguity Closer in time and space the likely they will be associated with each other o Relevance CS US belongingness Idea that certain types of CS s are more easily associated with other US s internal external External CS will pair better with an external US internal CS will pair better with an internal US Garcia and Koelling Experiment 1966 Conditioning phase trained half of the rats with a complex CS taste audiovisual clue o When the rats started licking internal then lights would flash and sounds went off external Half of the rats were followed by a US that was either external or internal o Test took first group and split them up Shock group Either received the taste alone rats kept drinking the water with no fear Received the audiovisual clue alone o Given plain water o Rats associated lights sounds to the shock they d drink but stop as soon as the CS went off Illness group Either received the taste alone o Drank very little because it was associated with sickness Received the audiovisual alone o Drank a bunch of water because they didn t associate the flashing lights with illness Concluded that we will associate stimuli that are external external or internal internal Lecture Two Paradigms vs Procedures o Paradigms Larger model that is trying to measure a particular phenomenon can measure different ways with any of the procedures o Procedure specific ways that you present the CS and US how they end begin how much time is in between each etc Excitatory Conditioning Paradigms Seeing a CR develop o First Order Conditioning Paradigm Any situation where you re developing a new relationship between the US and potential CS Can use any of the five procedures with this paradigm should choose procedure that will produce best and fastest learning Pavlov used this Example Short delay procedure Produces the fastest learning strongest association in the SHORT term Takes some trials to see CR once you can see the CR that s the point where we have a first order relationship between the CS and US Sometimes don t always see a relationship developing with the first order Novel CS o Why Limited amount of US s food pain etc US s are used over and over again Every behavior that s developed not always sure what was occurring caused the change o Each time the US is used learning gets weaker must sustain relationship with multiple stimuli Example

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Pitt PSY 0405 - Quiz 2

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