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International Law Lecture Notes Chapter 10 I II III Formation of International Law a First formal attempt was during the Renaissance because the pope was ineffective in bringing countries together to settle international affairs b After WWI the League of Nations was formed US did not join c The United Nations UN later replaced the League of Nations International Business a Can you just do international business i You must get permission from the country most countries want to protect their local economies from suffering form outsiders ii You must get a license exporting considered a privilege and can be revoked at any time International Law a International Law governs relationships among countries b Much more difficult that regular domestic business operations c Countries will always act in their own self interest when dealing with international affairs d Classifications of International Law i Public International Law examines relationships between different nations and uses treaties conventions and protocol binding to all countries 1 Treaties a States the rules in which the world traders and countries can conduct their businesses within each other s territories A set of international rules say how much can do business with the rest of the world but this treaty only binds countries who sign b Bilateral Treaty Agreement between two c Multilateral Treaty Agreement between more countries than two nations d Article 2 of the US Constitution states that the president can enter into a treaty only with the consent of the senate 2 Convention an agreement negotiated by members of an international organization whose documents then become open for adoption by other nations a Warsaw Convention Limited damages on international flights where willful or wanton misconduct on the part of the airline to 75 000 3 Protocol A treaty international agreement that supplements a previous treaty or international agreement a Can amend or add to a previous treaty b Parties who signed the party before it was amended can chose to adopt the protocol or not 4 Private International Law looks at the relationship between private parties in their business affairs when they are from different nations a Harden Act Applies between a foreign nation and the United States b Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act Reinforces the immunity of foreign governments on the United States courts but not when engaged in commercial activities 5 International Organizations a United Nations UN Each country of the world is allowed one representative and has one vote each i General Assembly all countries their ii Security Council the real power in the votes UN 1 15 countries 2 5 permanent members United States UK France Russia China 3 10 rotation members 4 Each member has veto power over the general assembly b International Court of Justice i The general assembly of the UN selects ii Only countries rather than individuals the judges can use the court iii Located in the Hague Netherlands only sees 1 2 cases per year

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