Societies 0005 3 18 13 Lecture 13 So far this semester Set out structure of society at a global level o Economic political identities Some axes of inequality in that global context how people think of them attempts to Conflict we see in different spheres of social life including ways they are related to global Ways that structure inequalities conflicts are seen in changing ways social life is affect them organized structure and inequalities Deviance Behavior that is banned censured stigmatized or penalized pg 219 Sane vs Insane o Common sense gives us information observations interpretations o Criminals and deviants are different from normal people o Fox News rapists are usually people we know cannot completely defend self Democrats why not prevent rapes from occur teach men not to rape Republicans inevitable to rape women need a way to defend themselves buy carrying a gun or any other weapon o Steubenville We all have gone against the norm in some manner we have all been deviant Essentialist View of Deviance Deviant behaviors are objective universally recognized as deviant Question what are the causes of being different o Milgram Experiment obedience and shock values Circumstances can shape behavior more than we think The nature of deviant behavior is a matter of perspective Social Constructionist View of Deviance Categories of deviant are social not natural o Based on perspectives and interests of the observer Ex High school party where everyone but one person is drinking Parents may think that this person is good and is a role model Other high school students may think they are going against the norm 47 Takers Mitt Romney Speech People who are poor o Take use public services from society without giving back o Law abiding citizens have the right to use public services Categories Do Not Equal Reality Calling anything deviant only makes sense in a system that makes it seem deviant Question Why in what circumstances is something seen as deviant What are societal Societies 0005 reactions to deviance Characteristics of Deviance 1 Behavior of Characteristics Some people in a society find offensive or reprehensible Generates disapproval punishment condemnation or or hostility toward the actor or professor or would generate if discovered Deviates from the norm o Not a quality of the act a person commits o Norms vary from one culture to another within any given culture Deviant behavior varies with norms across groups 2 A Non Evaluative Term Academically Describes behaviors considered to be out of norm by culture of study People doing things in ways that are not take for granted 3 A label used to maintain power control and position of a dominant group Powerful people decide what acts are deviant or just serious or minor o White Collar Crime federal vs Blue Collar Crime street 4 A label that is attached to acts and also people Labeling Theory Societies 0005 3 20 13 Lecture 14 Labeling Theory Three Stages of Deviance 1 Primary Deviance a Person commits act b Person is considered deviant treated as a deviant c Person considers self as deviant 2 Secondary Deviance a Self identified deviant commits more deviant acts Ex employment applications check box for committing acts of crime may deter from hiring goes back to deviant behaviors crimes self fulfilling prophecy 3 Tertiary Deviance a Attempts to normalize deviant behavior Ex Autism Rights Movement Autism Liberation Movements o Autism Neural Diversity o Anti cure perspective taking a disease and turning it into a diversity cure for autism is bad because takes away neural diversity and turns back into mainstream perspectives o New York City Stop Frisk Law o Murder o Debates about what is murder does abortion count o What is the real deviant leader paid person o Intent to murder vs murder by self defense Re Applying Labeling Theory Labeling based on characteristics not individual behaviors stereotypes Crime Sometimes the person is or organization s label wins out Terrorism o When are you a terrorist freedom fighter defender Social Control How to keep people form participating in deviant acts o Keeping deviants in prison o Judging person wearing a costume Norm and Social Control Everyone everywhere is subjected to certain norms o Norms punishments or sanctions o No society where anything goes there are always norms Forms of Social Control Internal o Socialization when norms of society accepted as valid the norms are internalized Societies 0005 External o What about people who don t have norms internalized o System of sanctions rewards and punishments to induce others to conform to a norm o Negative social control coercive making people do something for them o Interpersonal actions between people remind that behavior is upsetting or pleasing o Informal agents of social control act on their own Sanctions Positive Sanction Reward Negative Sanction Punishment o Social control usually relies on negative sanctions Informal Formal o Criminal justice system o Class attendance Activity that was a crime but now is not During women s suffrage movement o Women dressed as men to vote Prohibition o United States own mistake o 19th Amendment 21st Amendment to amend the previous amendment Urinating in public used to be a sex offense now it is just a crime Societies 0005 3 25 13 Lecture 15 What is Religion set of beliefs that separate the sacred and profane beliefs in some things as sacred Literal Metaphorical Meeting o Separates sacred matter from profane matters Profane worldly not linked with religion religious beliefs o Practices Rituals and totems book discuss o Manifest in a moral community usually Perspective on Religion Conflict Functionalist Theory Symbolic Interactionism Conflict Perspective on Religion Critical of Religion o Karl Marx Religion is the sign of the oppressed creature the sentiment of a hitless world its is the opium of the masses Religious teachings mirror society s inequalities Legitimates inequalities o Tend to support existing social arrangements as Godly desires Ex leader of state divinely appointed caste system antebellum pre civil war US slavery Functionalism Functionalism Perspective on Religion What does religion do Durkheim o Answers questions about meaning of life o Provides emotional comfort o Sets up social communities o Supplies guidelines for everyday life o Helps keep society cohesive Symbolic Interactionist Perspective on Religion Focus on meanings of how practical o Symbols provide identity social solidarity Sacred
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