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Foundations of Biology 2 Exam 3 Record your name Peoplesoft Number and Test Color ID on the answer sheet Sign near your name MULTIPLE CHOICE Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question PLEASE NOTE SOME QUESTIONS HAVE ONLY 4 CHOICES THIS IS INTENTIONAL 1 Identify the true statement about the chimpanzee case study A Antibody tests ELISA on the fecal droppings allowed researchers to identify whether or B The droppings were analyzed to allow researchers to determine how social rank C The droppings were analyzed with PCR to allow researchers to determine which primates D PCR of wild chimpanzee blood samples provided the needed information about viral not individuals were SIV positive correlated with different diets had CCR5delta32 alleles infection rates in the different troops 2 How do altruistic behaviors arise through natural selection A The altruist is appreciated by other members of the population because their survivability has been enhanced by virtue of his her risky behavior B Altruistic behaviors lower stress in populations which increases the survivability of all the members of the population C Animals that perform altruistic acts are allowed by their population to breed more thereby passing on their behavior genes to future generations D By his her actions the altruist increases the likelihood that some of its genes will be passed on to the next generation E All of the options are correct 3 Under which conditions is coral broadcast spawning most likely to occur A Increasingly warmer water temperatures indicating turnover and an the resulting in ux of oxygen which will sustain cellular respiration in the new coral B Following a full moon with low tidal action to allow the greatest chance of random C Mid day to allow for new colonies to gain energy from photosynthesis and use fertilization light activated ion pumps D Full moon high tidal action for greatest dispersal of the zygotes E Increasingly colder water temperatures indicating a greater supply of nutrients is available in the benthic region where new colonies settle 1 2 3 4 A female cat in heat urinates more often and in many places Male cats are attracted to the urine 4 deposits Which of the following is a proximate cause of this increased urination A The female cat learned the behavior from observing other cats B It announces to the males that she is in heat C Female cats that did this in the past attracted more males D It is a result of hormonal changes associated with her reproductive cycle E All of the options are ultimate causes of behavior A White 1 B Blue 2 C Pink 3 D Yellow 4 Page A 1 5 According to Hamilton s rule 5 A the effects of kin selection are larger than the effects of direct natural selection on individuals B natural selection does not favor altruistic behavior that causes the death of the altruist C altruism is always reciprocal D natural selection favors altruistic acts when the resulting bene t to the bene ciary corrected for relatedness exceeds the cost to the altruist E natural selection is more likely to favor altruistic behavior that bene ts an offspring than altruistic behavior that bene ts a sibling 6 What would be the effect on climate in the temperature latitudes if Earth were to slow its rate of 6 rotation from a 24 hour period of rotation to a 48 hour period of rotation A Winter seasons in both the northern and southern hemispheres would have more abundant and frequent precipitation events B The climate would stay the same The only change would be longer days and nights C Large scale weather events such as tornadoes and hurricanes would no longer be a part of regional climates D Seasons would be longer and more distinct colder winters and warmer summers E There would be a smaller range between daytime high and nighttime low temperatures 7 Coral reefs can be found on the southern east coast of the United States but not at similar 7 latitudes on the southern west coast Differences in which of the following most likely account for this A salinity B ocean currents C sunlight intensity D precipitation E day length A White 1 B Blue 2 C Pink 3 D Yellow 4 Page A 2 Figure 51 3 8 From Figure 51 3 what can we determine about the location of the food source 8 A The waggle dance in the bottom gure indicates that the food is to the west of the hive B The vigor of the waggle dance indicates the location of the food relative to the Sun C The waggle dance in the top gure indicates that the food is close to the hive D The waggle dance in the bottom gure indicates that the food is 90 degrees to the right of the Sun E The waggle dance in the top gure indicates that the food is directly under the hive A White 1 B Blue 2 C Pink 3 D Yellow 4 Page A 3 9 When you consider all of the evidence from the Secrets of the Dead Mystery of the Black Death 9 video and the two papers studying the CCR5 delta32 allele what is the most logical conclusion A The CCR5 delta32 allele arose multiple times in different populations and there is no known bene t to having this mutation B The CCR5 delta32 allele arose from a random mutation and has never been subjected to C The CCR5 delta32 allele may have contributed to smallpox resistance but did not confer D The CCR5 delta32 allele may have contributed to plague resistance but did not contribute E The role of CCR5 delta32 allele in survival of past generations will never be determined strong selective pressure plague resistance to smallpox resistance with any degree of certainty 10 Generalized global air circulation and precipitation patterns are caused by 10 A air masses that are dried and heated over continental areas that rise cool aloft and descend over oceanic areas followed by a return ow of moist air from ocean to land delivering high amounts of precipitation to coastal areas B rising warm moist air masses cool and release precipitation as they rise and then at high altitude cool and sink back to the surface as dry air masses after moving north or south of the tropics C the revolution of the Earth around the sun D polar cool moist high pressure air masses from the poles that move along the surface releasing precipitation along the way to the equator where they are heated and dried E Mountain ranges that de ect air masses containing variable amounts of moisture 11 Learning has the most in uence on behavior when A animals have parents or other sources to learn from and when animals have enormous B animals have enormous cognitive ability

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