THE FBI CRIME LABORATORY FBI crime laboratory is one of the largest and most comprehensive labs 1 firearms examination tool mark examination 2 3 explosives examination 4 metal examination 5 handwriting and Document examination 6 chemical biological and nuclear hazard examination Problems In Crime Labs lack of training lack of accreditation DNA contamination Backlog of Cases Sentencing mistakes and poor training Crime Scene Reconstruction Is based on the result of crime scene examination laboratory analysis and other independent sources of information to reconstruct case events Felonious Assaults inflicting harm or death to another person with usually a deadly weapon It can happen to anyone police officers Homicide killing of a human being by another human being Excusable Homicide difference between justifiable homicide in that one who commits an excusable homicide is at some degree at fault but the degree of fault is not enough to constitute a criminal homicide Justifiable Homicide the necessary killing of another person in the certain event Murder killing of any human being by another with malice aforethought Manslaughter criminal homicide committed under circumstances not severe enough to constitute murder but cannot be classified as either justifiable or excusable homicide Types of homicides 1 Criminal Enterprise Homicide entails murder committed for material gain 2 Personal Cause Homicide motivated by a personal cause and esues from interpersonal aggression leading to death 3 Sexual Homicide sexual element activity is the basis for the sequence of acts 4 Group Cause Homicide two or more people with a common ideology sanction as act committed by one or more of the group s members that result in death Scene Safety determining scene safety for all investigative personnel is essential to the investigation process The only two people can pronounce death is a Doctor at hospital or a cornier Chain of Custody or Chain of Evidence require proof that evidence collected and the evidence submitted to the court are one in the same The Chain shows who had contact with the evidence at what time and under what circumstances and what if any changes were made to the evidence Individual Observations Used to estimate time of death When used together the following individual observation of a body may be used to estimate the time of death Algor Mortis is the cooling of the body rate of cooling is influenced by the environmental temp and protection of the body Rigor Mortis chemical process that begins at time of death and sets in 10 15 hours and becomes relaxed in 36 72 hours However there are variables Livid Mortis pooling of blood to lowest point in body position Stomach contents at time of autopsy Classification of Sex Related Offenses Serious Sex Offenses sex offenses of this type such as rape or sexual battery as it is also called are high priority offenses Nuisance Sex Offenses included in this classification are such acts as voyeurism exhibitionism Sex Offenses Involving Mutual Consent sex offenses of this nature involve consenting adults whose behavior is deemed illegal by various state local laws Four types of Rape Murder classification 1 2 3 4 Power assertive Rape is planned Murder is not power interest Power Reassurance killer acts our fantasy Anger Retaliatory Rape murder are planned Anger Excitation Anger driven ex BTK killer Rape or Sexual Battery crime of a person having sexual relations amongst the following circumstances Against the person s consent while the other person is unconscious while the other person is under the influence of alcohol with a person who is feeble minded or insane and with a child who is under the age of consent as fixed by state Rape rape is any penetration however slight of the labia majora forcible compulsion Interview procedures investigative questions sexual assault cases Type sequence of sexual acts during an assault Verbal activity of rapist Verbal activity of victim Sudden change in rapist s attitude during the attack Theft during rape Delayed reporting Why women do not report rape to the police Lack of belied in the ability of the police to apprehend the suspect Worries about unsympathetic treatment from the police Embarrassment about publicity however limited Fear of reprisal by the rapist Why do women sometimes make false rape allegations Prostitutes who have not been paid Females caught in the act of sexual intercourse by relatives friends or police Shame guilt about going home with someone other than there significant other Drug Facilitated Sexual Assaults Rohypnol roofies GHB liquid Ecstasy Autoerotic Death Sexual asphyxia In autoerotic death cases the investigator will typically find 1 white male partially suspended 2 dressed in women s clothing or undergarments 3 or with his penis exposed Rape Kidnapping Burglary April 13 2005 Eddie Arthur Poindexter black male 25 years of age who breaks into the home of a 26 year old white female violently rapes her Kidnaps her and attempts to robe her Steals her vehicle which he eventually abandons and is apprehended a short time later at his sister home in Fay Crimes against Children most common cause of children s death is physical abuse often by there own parents the clinical term commonly used to describe physically abused children is battered child syndrome most common weapons are the belt electric cord classifications of burns partial thickness 1st 2nd degree burn Full thickness 3rd 4th Scald time of water 155 F just for one second till injury Burns if an investigator sees burns such as these they should become highly suspicious look for other signs of abuse question the parents guardians Types of Child Molesters Situational Preferential 1 child s developmental level relative to other children in his or her age group bad grades bad social skills 2 child s development level with regard to sexuality drawing pics 3 child s ability to respond adequately to interviews to testify in court Child Pornography Commercial Child porno homemade child porno use of the computer the internet in child porno Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIDS sudden unexpected death of an apparently healthy infant that remains unexplained after a complete autopsy is performed no smoking in the house baby sleep on their back cooler temp in the room firm mattress breastfeeding is preferred over formula Elements of the crime of robbery Another the property taken must belong to another not to the accused The intent to deprive permanently
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