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Chapter 3 cont 13 on Concept Sheet ATTENTION attention perception selective attention act of focusing on particular information bottom up when you analyze different aspects of a scene and build a perception from there when you look at something for the first time pop out objects differ from in a fundamental way from other objects around it and grabs your attention LSU fan in crowd of razorback fans top down learning rules for perception forming perception based on beliefs ideas and expectations used more and more as we get older o vigilance when a person expects or anticipates a particular event and maintains attention while searching for it friend tells you he will be wearing red shirt have to scan and look for him 14 on Concept Sheet scene change blindness inability to see large alterations in features in a visual repetition blindness inability to see the second occurrence of a stimulus that appears twice in succession don t see a word typed 2 times in a row What s wrong with this this sentence attentional blink period during which a person has an inability to focus on something after having just focused on it 15 on Concept Sheet HEARING AUDITORY SENSE AUDITION pitch wave length higher pitches loudness amplitude how high or low sound seems higher frequencies of pressure waves produce the experience of the strength of a sound pressure waves with greater amplitude produce the experience of louder sound 16 on Concept Sheet STRUCTURES OF THE EAR pinna outer part of the ear direct sound to inner part of ear eardrum transfers sound energy and turns it into vibrations transfer vibrations onto cochlea hammer anvil stirrup bones in ear cochlea just like the retina of the eye contains specialized neurons that transduce vibrations into electrochemical signals fluid filled tube basilar membrane membrane in the cochlea layer of tissue that contains hair cells hair cells like rods and cones of the eye specialized neurons that transform vibrations into electrochemical signals semicircular canals other fluid filled tubes control balance 17 on Concept Sheet AUDITORY PROCESSING frequency theory based on the speed of the vibration of the entire cochlea we perceive the wavelength or pitch of sound based on the speed of which the cochlea vibrates place theory based on idea that different pitches stimulate different places along the basilar membrane that represent a particular pitch nerve deafness occurs when the hair cells are destroyed over time by loud sounds more loud sounds exposed to worse hearing will get conduction deafness a structural damage to the external or middle ear damage to ear drum or bones in ear untreated ear infection can erode bones can be caused by extraordinarily loud sounds 18 on Concept Sheet AUDITORY PROCESSING speech segmentation problem we perceive speech as a series of individual words when we talk there is no actual pause between end of one word and start of another brains learns to recognize individual words recognizing and identifying speech requires the ability to recognize breaks between ending and beginning of words categorical perception allows people to recognize words that are presented in different pitchers or different levels of loudness 19 on Concept Sheet sound location same thing as depth perception for vision can use ears to located sounds in 3 dimensional space Sound localization 2 features in sound that allow us to locate sound requires both ears than the other o loudness head acts as a buffer hear sound louder in one ear o timing one ear hears sounds before the other ear o doesn t work when located directly in front or directly behind you 21 on Concept Sheet THE OLFACTORY SYSTEM SENSE OF SMELL OLFACTION chemical sense 1 of 2 taste o can only smell chemicals capable of dissolving in water human sense of smell one of worst of entire animal kingdom o gets worse as we get older peaked at 11 or 12 receptors pheromones o chemical is inhaled into nose to base of skull o at base of skull there is a spongey squishy tissue that absorbs chemicals goes to brain o chemical substances used as a mean of communication o ants talk using scent TASTE GUSTATION closely related to olfaction when you taste something you are smelling it too receptors cells taste buds 5 primary tastes o sweet sour salty bitter umami unique about sense of taste o taste preferences are learned culture specific o one universally disliked organic matter feces 22 on Concept Sheet SOMASTHETIC SENSES kinesthetic sense o sense of body position in 3D space in relation to other objects o humans have high range of this sense o genetically higher developed athletes o receptors are in every muscle and bone in body vestibular sense o sense of balance o tells you how your body is oriented with respect to gravity o controlled by semicircular canals in ear touch o receptors in skin temperature o receptors in skin pain o endorphins o double pain body s natural pain killer magnetic combination of sharp intense pain and aching long lasting dull pain

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