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Macroeconomics Formula Sheet Chap 1 7 By Jacob Zwickler Chapter 1 Key Y a value on Y axis a vertical intercept b slope X a value on X axis Chapter 1 Formulas Y a bX rise run a b Slope b X Chapter 2 4 No Formulas Use Chapter 1 Formulas 2 WORK IN PROGRESS Chapter 5 Key GDP Gross Domestic Product NNP Net National Product GNP Gross National Product DPI Disposable Personal Income PI Personal Income NFIA Net Factor Income from Abroad SD Statistical Discrepancy CCA Cost Consumption Allowance depreciation NI National Income W wage C household spending I firm investment spending G Government Spending X Exports M Imports R Rent S Savings T Taxes i Interest g chain type growth rate VALUE OF FINAL OUTPUT GDP P i x Q i EXPENDITURES GDP C I G X M Chapter 5 Formulas SOURCES OF INCOME GDP W i R profit NFIA CCA SD USES OF INCOME GDP C S T M PERCENT CHANGE x2 x1 x1 x 100 PRICE DEFLATOR Nominal GDP Real GDP GDPPD 100 CHAIN TYPE GROWTH RATE g P1 x Q2 P1 x Q1 P2 x Q2 P2 x Q1 CHAIN TYPE REAL GDP Chain type real GDP 2 g x real GDP1 CHAIN TYPE PRICE DEFLATOR Chain type GDPPDyear Nominal GDP year Chain type Real GDP year 100 GNP GDP NFIA NNP GNP CCA NI NNP SD PI NI income received but not earned income earned but not received DPI PI Personal taxes NI NNP SD EXPENDITURE APPROACH NI GDP NFIA CCA SD INCOME APPROACH NI W i R profits Per capita GDP GDP population STATISTICAL DISCREPANCY SD GDP NFIA CCA W i R profits NNP NI

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BU ECON 162 - Macroeconomics Formula

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