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Nutrition 3 20 2014 Sulfate Need from co Prevention of anemia Iron Oxygen delivery and aerobic metabolism Oxidative enzyme activity Absorption can be influenced by the body s need Anemia The amount of iron absorbed in a typical diet is quite low o Poor hemoglobin production o Decreased RBC formation o Increased blood loss o Deficiency of iron B6 B12 folate Heme Iron vs Non Heme Iron Heme Iron found only in meats fish and poultry can cross small intestine wall more readily than non heme form Colon cancer from too much Elemental Iron from plant and animal source Absorption enhanced by vitamin c as well as presence of meat fish or poultry Vegetarians times 1 8 need a supplement Iron Requirements Higher for woman than for men Male DRI 8mg day Vegetarians 14 mg day Women 50 DRI 8 mg day Women 19 50 Multiply DRI 18 Athletes 15 to 18 mg day Pregnancy DRI 27 mg day Prenatal vitamins often contain DRI Good sources of iron Meat Fish Poultry Shellfish espically oysters Beans Enriched cereals Beans Green leafy vegies Egg yolk Dried fruit take out water volume Symptoms of Iron Deficiency Anemia Exhaustion Paleness Shirt attention span Irritability Susceptibility to infection Rapid heart rate In infants and children deficiency anemia may cause irreversible mental retardation Iron toxicity Toxic in too much quantities Hemochromatosis Genetic disorder Store high amounts of iron Symptoms of iron toxicity Injections Join pain Skin pigmentation due to iron deposits Diabetes Blood in the stool Shock Symptoms of iron overload Abdominal pain Fatigue Mental depression Long term can lead to liver damage Functions of Copper Component of several enzymes if deficient in iron can be deficient in copper component in enzymes involved in iron metabolism assist in energy production links the proteins collagen and elastin together in connective tissue plays a role in blood clotting and maintain Zinc Functions of zinc include 200 difference enzymes Blood pressure regulation DNA replication Protein synthesis growth and development Alcohol metabolism Hemoglobin synthesis Antioxidant enzyme function helps with healing when sick Wound healing Development of sexual organs and bone growth Gene regulation Insulin release and function Immunes function Daily needs of Zinc Females 8 mgd Males 11 mgd Athletes 11 to 15 mg day Most adults are meeting their daily needs Vegeratians have higher needs due to more significant consumption of phytates in plant foods reducing absorption of zinc in the intestinal tract Upper limit 40 mgd can be too healthy Sources of Zinc Meats poulty Whole grains Legumes Selenium Antioxidant defense Food Sources Thyroid hormone Seafood is an excellent source of selenium Fish epically tuna Meats Eggs Brazil Nuts Be careful Wheat based cereal only if grown in selenium tich soils Sunflower seeds Important for men helps to prevent prostate cancer but can have too much Iodine deficiency leads to goiter enlarged thyroid gland Food sources of iodine sea food tuna egg turkey breast beans shellfish cod fish grouper Chromium Function Glucose uptake Chromium picolinate doesn t seem to influence body composition in humans Food sources Brewers yeast Mushrooms Liver Nuts Whole grains Cheese DRI Males 25 mcg day Females 25 mcg day Athletes 30 to 35 mcg day Chapter 11 Water Why is water so important Water is the most abundant substance in the body Average healthy adult is 45 to 75 water depending on Age Percent of water declines with age Body composition Muscle 65 water Fat is 10 to 40 water Gender You can survive for weeks without food but you need water it is an essential nutrient Water is a polar molecule Excellent solvent in the body Neutral charge Essential in maintain acid base balance Functions of water in the body Commonly known as a universal solvent Polarity allows it to attract charged particles into solutions and dissolve a variety of other polar substances o Important to digestion Helps transport dissolved nutrients and other substances through the body Blood is composed of water and red blood cells Water allows blood to transport oxygen nutrient and hormones to the cells Lubricates joints sensitive eye tissues mouth and intestinal tract Provides a protective cushion bathing certain organs with fluid During pregnancy the fetus is surrounded by watery amniotic fluid Provides a structural component to cells Water is essential for most chemical reactions in the body During digestion water hydrolyzes the bonds holding together Carbohydrate molecules Protein molecules Fat mol When smaller molecules Maintaining water balance Fluid homeostasis Is necessary for normal reactions within the cells Is maintained by adaptation to changes in water intake and water loss Water balance Amount consumed amount secreted We always sweat all the time Sources of Body water Largest source comes from beverages Food is an additional source Except for fats all food contains some water Metabolic water water generated during metabolism Daily intake of 2550 ml about 2 quarts Water excretion loss through sweat Varies based on Environmental factors Temperature Humidity Wind Sun s intensity Clothing Amount of physical activity Water Balance between fluid compartments Body fluid is located Intracellular within the cells Extra cellular outside the cells Intravascular Interstitial All influenced by dehydration Electrolytes Participates in Fluid Balance Electrolytes Minerals with electrically charged ions o Potassium o Phosphate o Magnesium o Calcium o Chloride o Sodium Help maintain water balance between compartments Sodium has greatest effect Electrolytes participate in fluid balance Osmosis o Strongest factor influencing water balance between compartments o Water moves from a diluted concentration to a more concentrated area o Osmolality of a solutions indicates a total concentration Sodium potassium pump o Sodium and potassium play a key role in water concentration inside and outside of the cells o Healthy cells Low concentration of sodium ions High levels of potassium inside the cells Water is attracted to sodium and loves toward it Transports three Na ions out of cell in exchange for two k ions work in opposition o Keep the cell from swelling and bursting o How to water and sodium affect blood pressure if the bode retains too much fluid blood volume increases and blood pressure will likely rise kidneys help regulate blood volume and electrolyte balance through tightly controlled hormone signals Three hormones and one enzyme work

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BU HWS 332 - Nutrition

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