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ANTH222 Midterm Study Guide Ecological and Evolutionary Anthropology Anthropology Holistic study of humankind and their closest relatives through space and time 5 Field Approach Cultural Anthropology Archaeology Linguistics cultures slang Biological Physical medical forensics etc Applied Anthropology studies societies cultures studies remains to understand how people lived studies language and how they evolve how we share our study of human evolution includes primatology applies theories of all fields anthropology in action Ecology Holistic interactions between organisms between within species and between organisms and their surrounding environments merges biology and environmental science Biotic and Abiotic living nonliving components processes and interactions Evolutionary Biology Study of changes to form and function through time Charles Darwin father of Evolutionary Biology Explain how we got to where we are what produced the diversity on earth origin of new species Ecological and Evolutionary Anthropology Study of relationships between hominids and non hominids primates and their biophysical environments to understand changed in their physiology and behavior through space and time Trajectory of Systems Thinking Mechanical Approach Ecosystems Approach Complexity Complex Adaptive Systems Approach Mechanical Systems Approach Reductionist Focuses on individual parts assumes the world is predictable the whole is no more than the sum of its parts Ecosystems Approach The whole is greater than the sum of its parts holistic point of view Everything is interconnected Assumes 1 Ecosystem is basic unit of nature which is all interconnected 2 Biodiversity increases stability 3 Change is bad strive for homeostasis Energy Flows Only Complexity Complex Adaptive Systems Approach The whole is greater than the sum of its parts but change is accepted expected may not be bad non linear Adaptation and adaptive capacity is important Energy and Information Flows Cannot separate Biology and Culture A Complex Bio Cultural Approach interrelationships between Genes Environment culture Culture As an adaptation Shapes political economy Shapes human brain and life history long parental investment Influences behavior and how we view the world Science A process and a tool that we use to understand what we can know Goal Advance knowledge of the natural world by describing and explaining the universe as accurately and fully as possible Characteristics Testable can for hypotheses testable statements Deals exclusively with the natural world Parsimonious o Occam s Razor when faced with two possible explanations the simpler of the two is the one most likely to be true Probabilistic statistics model certitude Logical Rigor Repeated testing to make sure Self correcting approach The Scientific Method Observation Questioning Hypothesis Prediction Experiment Result Repeat Hypothesis vs Theory vs Scientific Law Describes What Happens Explains Why Things Happen Applies to Single or Small Number of events Applies to All Events Observation Hypothesis Law Ex Gravity Theory Science is a Culture 1 Communal The work of scientists is shared among scientists and with the public allows for the self correcting method 2 Universal Happens in all countries and transcends culture ex Math 3 Disinterestedness Attempt at objectiveness science is for the public Organized Skepticism Conservative in accepting theories burden of proof is on the person who makes a claim Reading the Genetic Code DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid Structure o Phosphates and Sugars make up the sides of the ladder o Nitrogen makes up the rungs o Adenine A o Thymine T o Guanine G o Cytosine C o Uracil U Function Location o Nucleus contains entire genome Instructions for building and maintaining you Homoplasmic o Mitochondria DNA in this organelle inherited through matrilineal line only mtDNA Heteroplasmic 37 genes Composition Human Growth and Development Structural Instructions for producing body structures Regulatory Turn other genes on and off o Hox Genes Determine forma and arrangement of tissues and organs special regulatory genes Genetics and Evolution Gene Basic unit of inheritance Allele One or more alternative forms of a gene Chromosome A strand of DNA that has multiple genes not an indication of intelligence Gregor Mendel 1822 1884 Inheritance controlled by discrete particles Basic Principles of Mendelian Genetic Inheritance 1 Law of Segregation receive 1 allele from each parent 2 Law of Independent Assortment Each pair of alleles separates independently from every other when sperm or eggs gametes are formed 3 Law of Dominance The allele that gets expressed is the dominant type Genotype the letters allele combination Phenotype the expression Expression of the allele combination Homozygus Dominant Heterozygus 10 contradictions A human 1 Chromosome Theory a Genes are on the Chromosomes b Mitosis how you body grows and heals c Meiosis produces gametic cells i My toe grows by mitosis I make sex cells with meiosis a Genes close together on chromosomes tend to be inherited 2 Linkage 3 Crossing Over a Homologous chromosomes line up to separate b Exchange occurs before separation c Gametes are produced after exchange and separation a Gene Complexity common to find a combination of polygeny 4 Polygenic Inheritance i Skin Color ii Cystic Fibrosis 5 Environmental Influences i Famine 6 Unit Characters a Nutrition and environmental factors causes variations a Not every identifiable trait or feature has a gene i Personality traits ii Anatomical features 7 Properties of Heterozygotes a Blended inheritance a mixing b Incomplete Partial dominance c Co Dominance blood types 8 Imprinting i Angelman or Prader Willi 9 Exttra nuclear Inheritance a Certain genes expressed or not in a parent of origin specific manner a mtDNA used to trace genetic history Nondisjunction when the chromosomes do not split correctly Examples Turner s Syndrome Monosomy X Down s Syndrome Trisomy 21 Natural History and the Origins of Evolutionary Thought Milestones of Pre evolutionary Theory Early Milestones Creation Supernatural Events Iroquois Jewish Christian Muslim Essentialism Advocated by Plato 428 328 BCE Each kind of thing has unchanging core of features No variation from a true form Reductionist essentialism taken to ideas of race and ethnicity Idea of true form is negated by Natural Selection Great Chain of Being Advocated by Aristotle 384 322 BCE Builds on essentialism Basis for Judeo Christian

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