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Nature and Origin of Rocks 1 Rocks a 2 Minerals Interlocking or bonded minerals Inorganic a Naturally occurring b c Solid element compound d Crystalline structure e With a particular chemical composition 3 3 types a Igneous formed from cooling magma lava b MM formed from alternation of rock due to pressure temperature Intrusive extrusive i ii Felsic mafic and or differential stress i Foliated nonfoliated c Sedimentary lithification of phys or chem weathered clasts direct precipitation from solution or biologically aided Minerals 1 Properties a b c Earth history ID minerals Important uses resources i Environmental indicators ii Some last longer iii Dating of events iv Paleoclimate d Chemical bond i Strength determines hardness ii iii Covalent bond electrons shared Ionic bond attraction between oppositely charged atoms i 3D molecular structure form and shape cleavage i Configuration of crystal structure bonding creates planes of e Crystal lattice f Cleavage weakness g Density i Atomic weight of atoms packing 2 Common minerals a Silicates SiO4 4 i Most abundant group ii Most stable at Earth s surface b Carbonates CO3 2 i Positive ion Ca Mg Fe bonded to carbonate ion ii Common in marine environments precipitated

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LSU GEOL 1003 - Nature and Origin of Rocks

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