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Social Stratification 04 01 2014 Chapter 7 Overview What is stratification Stratification by social class Theoretical perspectives Life chances and social mobility What is stratification social inequality Stratification hierarchical ranking of social groups the structure of o Often conceptualized in terms of wealth and power but can be based on a range of variables Race ethnicity gender health education geography o How are rewards distributed How does this shape power privilege and opportunity Stratification by Social Class position o Most often measured by Social class hierarchical group rankings based on economic Income cash flow typically from wages and salaries earned from employment plus money from Wealth all assets including cash savings stocks investments bonds property etc Distinction between wealth and income farmers Income and Wealth Inequality Income in the U S is distributed unequally o Just over half of income earned goes to top quintile almost one quarter to the top 5 The distribution of wealth in the U S is even more unequal o About 85 of wealth is possessed by the top quintile Why is Income Inequality Increasing in the U S Globalization and economic restructuring Loss of ground among the less educated Move toward more regressive tax policies Changes in pay structures Increase in dual earner households Stratification by Social Class Social class can also be measured by o Occupational prestige respect and admiration that a job holds in society High prestige physician lawyer dentist clergy Low prestige garbage collector waiter janitor Theoretical Perspectives on Stratification Functionalist Perspective o System of differential rewards and punishments necessary for the efficient operation of society o Motivates people to fill positions that society needs filled o Everyone belongs to a group that helps to maintain society but not all the jobs are equal Conflict Perspective o Competition between groups over scarce resources results in o Key question in understanding society is who has wealth and o Karl Marx class differentiation is the crucial determinant of an inherent social dynamic power and who does not social inequality Class struggle is the result of the conflict between owners capitalists and the workers proletariat Who owns the means of production Example land factories information o Max Weber stratification is not just about social class Three distinct components of stratification Class economic standing Status social honor prestige Party Power ability to exercise one s will over Life Chances and Social Mobility others Life Chances opportunities to obtain material goods positive living conditions and favorable life experiences o Occupying a higher position in society improves your life chances Allows greater access to social rewards Social Mobility movement within a system of stratification o Open System of Stratification Positions mainly influenced by achieved statuses Encourages competition among members of society o Closed System of Stratification Present little or no possibility of social mobility caste system Positions mainly influenced by ascribed statuses In Sum Stratification is a key structural feature of society Social class is a key dimension of stratification in the modern world System of stratification has a profound influence on life chances 04 01 2014

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LSU SOCL 2002 - Social Stratification

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