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Mosaics Midterm Essays Gilgamesh Phases of the journey Impetuous youth ignores warning advice in hopeless quest for eternal life Tyrannical ruler ignores needs of his people abuses subjects Exhibits destructive nature focus on own selfish wants base desires Gilgamesh abandons all responsibility of position for personal ends No respect for gods goddesses ignores advice ideas conquest from community Final phase of the epic impact on personal character and his actions as a long elders Dominant issues The truth of the human condition Acceptance of human limitations will or are they victims of destroy Enduring problems of hubris ego Gods v man consequences of denying gods goddesses do humans possess free Duties of king or government state v individual importance of city duty of citizens Divine right to rule government v religion Good v Evil conflict with main character hero who is single minded in pursuits Problem of morality how does it change Who defines morality within a culture excessive in actions Different images of power and control Who organizes cultural belief systems Explain concepts of wilderness v civilization Principle themes Epic about the fear of death examination of human longing for eternal life Story of a man s path to wisdom successes and failures human condition Debate on proper duties of kingship king should or shouldn t do Man s responsibility to his family Conflicts of nature or nurture in civilization Rewards of friendship Immorality of fame and how to achieve it with grace Las Casas Christian Spaniards inhabit islands of the Indies Spaniards and Germans killed natives taking everything they had European motivations gold wealth social standing Social religious beliefs Different concepts of civilization Political structures government laws Redesigning restructure of indigenous people Perceptions of wealth power dominant in conflicts that arose between Europeans and Native populations Proclamation made by the Spanish requirements to the native American people convert to christianity or be attacked Las Casas called for egalitarian society based on equality create a fair society with equal rights to economic structures political structures and religious freedom Dominant elements Religion royalty government idea of divine right to rule Roman catholic Spain Reason Asia establish lucrative trade route GOLD economics Environment introduced to gold throughout fertile farming ground Colonization imperialism work family foods living conditions Taken over by force military technology armor spears pikes horses Class race new laws las casas recognition of American native rights Cultural components Religion Strong Christian beliefs Cruel tyrannical warfare Christians tried to eradicate Indian religion Natives originally thought Spaniards came from heaven until they experienced their harsh treatment Unjust tyranny no freedom for Indians 1512 Laws of Burgos code to govern conduct of settlers Constituted by kingdoms and peoples Economics Strived for gold Government law politics Guerilla warfare Indians fight back Military Family Asia like Spaniards ports rank Indian families torn apart attacked killed The Journey of Lewis Clark Military scientific expedition sent out by the government looking for trade route to President Johnson 1803 congressional funding for scientific military mission Geography graphing collect plants and animals fur trade search locations for military Assigned military positions 45 skilled men for expedition class determined by military Captains sergeants and privates kept journals Language translation food transportation clothing Prepped by coming to Philly for scientific training at UPenn tutored on botany medicine survival Established law and punishment experienced death illness and disease Dress and fashion could determine class Interracial interaction between explorers and natives Civilization and Its Discontents Id develops as birth Natural instincts All of our repressed desires belong to the id Ego develops from the id in response to reality Superego develops from incorporation of moral standards and prohibitions from the parents particularly the father Efforts to know ourselves deny fundamental instincts form deadly antagonisms against our neighbors and ourselves On the eve of the collapse of civil disorder of Germany and Austria Freud anticipates bloodbath brought on by racism and a nationalism fed by psychic disorders Asks readers to consider whether needs of societies and individuals are compatible and whether the cost of civilization is out permanent personal unhappiness Freud says we create civilization because nature is threatening to us Civilization is built upon man s renunciation of nature Believed that our personal instincts are aggressive and self serving so we must squelch these in order to maintain civilization Our achievements are accomplished through social sublimation we control our own instincts in order to produce achieve but man s natural instinct is stronger than any plan to do Freud says we would naturally prefer to indulge our pleasures or aggressive nature Social rules must control us so we produce Religion becomes the tool of the superego dictating morals and socially acceptable behavior Turn to a God belief as a mode of controlling the passions within ourselves Religion is a comfort like the mother and sternness of the father Incorporate both Religion becomes a part of societal superego in civilization We create god because were lonely and confused and cannot make sense of life without good God Communities need outside groups to relieve frustration Ultimate goal to be happy Many times we choose social norms of what we want Substance abuse claim We seek artificial stimulants and depressants for pleasure avoid disturbing feelings Social relations are defined by the community and the will to dominate the individual interests Often the claim for happiness surrounds the need for individual liberty against the power of the group Life is a struggle between the id ego and superego

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