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Language 3 parts Diagrams 1 form Syntax Morphology Phonology 2 Use Pragmatics 3 Content Semantics Larynx Questions you should be able to answer based on what was learned this semester The results of a pure tone hearing test are recorded on a graph called audiogram The external ear is also known as the pinna Otitis media is the most common cause of sensiorineral hearing loss in children false it The organ of corti is attached to what membrane basilar What is the number one cause of acquired sensorineural hearing loss in adults Audiology is conductive presbycusis The tube running from the middle ear to the upper portion of the pharynx and this is responsible for pressure of equalization is Eustachian tube What are inserted into the eardrums to take over the function of the Eustachian tubes pressure equalization tubes Which model of hearing aid is most commonly used for children BTE Ossicular disarticulation results in what type of hearing loss conductive This device in an option for a profoundly deaf person for whom hearing aids provide no benefit cochlear implant Which assistive device is most commonly used in the classroom FM system A sensourineural hearing loss with a 4000 Hz notch is a symptom of what type of hearing loss noise induced Typical and disordered communication The rules of language compose it s grammar Of the following the term that is related to language use is pragmatics The theoretical rules which govern the production of speech sounds within a language are called phonology Anatomy and physiology The brain consists of the cerebellum cerebrum and brain stem Cranial nerves are part of the peripheral nervous system Muscles of exhalation are located primarily in the abdominal region The primary function of the vocal folds is speech production false it is to keep food out of area and protect airways What cartilage is the largest laryngeal cartilage thyroid The velum is also called the soft palate Non random syllable strings in which adjacent and successive syllables are not identical From approximately 8 to 12 months infants produce an immediate vocal imitation of When communication disorders are categorized by etiology this means the categories When toddlers omit final consonants or reduce the number of syllables in a word they Communication development are called variegated babbling another speaker called echolalia Assessment and intervention are based on cause demonstrate phonological processes Childhood language impairments What percent of the population have mental retardation 2 5 percent A learning disability is the result of central nervous system dysfunction sli is seen primarily among preschoolers sli means specific language disorder The area most effected by autism spectrum disorders is relational abilities The predication of an outcome of a disorder is a prognosis The purpose of the oral facial examination is to determine that the physical structures Involved in speech unimpaired and function adequately The American speech language hearing association considers communication dialects to be communication n The arrangement of words in a sentence is syntax A test that is designed to evaluate an individual s mastery of particular skills is considered criterion referenced phonology and syntax The form of language is composed of the following components morphology s 90 percent of adult syntax is acquired by the age of 5 kindergarten mlu refers to a child s mean length of utterance Automatic involuntary motor or vocal patterns are called reflexes Mary will demonstrate age appropriate expressive language skills an example of long term goal John will follow three step related direction in an unstructured activity with 80 percent accuracy given minimal cues example of short term goal A child with a traumatic brain injury may exhibit deficits in which of the following aspects hemiparesis on the left side of the body Adult language impairments the left side of their body If an adult experiences a right brain injury they may experience hemiparesis on Secondary swelling dye to increased neurofluid following tbi is called edema What are the most obvious changes that accompany Alzheimer s memory Aphasia results from localized brain damage Severity of aphasia is related to age of injury location and extent The recovery pattern of tbi individuals is characterized by step like plateaus Fluency twitching Examples of secondary stutter behaviors are body movements and blinking Stuttering is fully developed in bloodsteins phase four Indirect therapy approaches model slow and relaxed speech The prevalence of stuttering is approximately one percent in the us The cause of stuttering is unknown Primary characteristics of stuttering include word repeating elongations Voice Variations in vocal pitch and loudness not under voluntary control are tremor Esophageal speech may be used after removal of the larynx The perception of two vocal fundamental frequencies is diplophonia A vocal polyp that has a stalk like connection to the vocal fold is predunculated Prior to initiating voice therapy evaluation must be completed ENT otolaryngolic Vocal nodules are usually the result of misuse and abuse to vocal folds Articulation and phonology Dysarthria s are speech problems due to neuromuscular impairment Which of the following is not a generalization we can make about speech sounds acquisition consonant blend are acquired by age 3 Bilabial phonemes involve constriction in the area of the lips Is estimated that what percent of children who exhibit multiple speech sounds errors also have general expressive language impairment 60 percent Intelligibility refers to a persons ability to be understood by others Phonemes Manner of f fricative Place of b bilabial Manner of m nasal Voicing of k unvoiced Place of h glottal Voicing of z voiced

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UB CDS 151 - Audiology

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