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CHAPTER 21 GENOMES AND THEIR EVOLUTION Learning objectives The Human Genome Project 1 Describe the goals of the Human Genome Project 2 Explain how linkage mapping physical mapping and DNA sequencing each contributed to the genome mapping project 3 Describe four of the programs available on the NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information website DNA Analysis and Genomics 4 Explain how researchers recognize protein coding genes within DNA sequences 5 Define and compare the fields of proteomics and genomics 6 Explain the systems biology approach to genomic information using the Cancer Genome Atlas as an example 7 Describe the trends that have been identified across major taxa with respect to genome size and gene density 8 Describe the surprising findings of the Human Genome Project with respect to the size of the human genome 9 Compare the basic structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes 10 11 Distinguish between transposons and retrotransposons Explain the role of simple sequence DNA at chromosomal telomeres and centromeres Genomic Clues to Evolutionary History 12 13 Explain how polyploidy may facilitate gene evolution Describe in general terms the events that may have led to evolution of the globin superfamily 14 How does exon shuffling lead to new proteins with novel combinations of functions Learning Objectives for Campbell Reece Biology 8th Edition Pearson Education Inc 1 of 1

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