History of Media effects theory Payne Fund People s Choice Studies Exam 2 Review Payne fund study about love sex violence in lm People s choice studies how media affects voters Longitudinal study over a long period of time Supports the limited effects theory Limited Effects the effects are limited says media just enforces what you already think Selective Exposure People select exposure based on interests Selective exposure can reduce media impact People avoid messages that are at odds with their existing beliefs U G Usage and Grati cation Uses and grati cations theory focuses on the match between the grati cations we seek and those we actually obtain from the media For example if we tune in to The Closer expecting to see gripping police drama and this week s show features some tense scenes in the interview room the grati cations we sought have been obtained and we are likely to come back next week Another viewer might seek a pleasant diversion in which case the same scenes might arouse unwelcome tension and cause him to switch channels According to this theory we arrive at our media consumption decisions by performing a mental calculation in which we compare the grati cations we obtain with those we seek from all of the media alternatives available to us Focuses on choice of exposure rather than effect of exposure Even drugs can be a form of media for use them and get grati cation Can serve as social medium for people to interact Parasocial Relationship relationship that someone has with a media character Social Learning theory states that we see media and then we copy it Multi step ow we learn from opinion leaders opinion leader politicians or celebrities in media parents teachers priests etc outside of media states that common people are not in uenced by the media but they are in uenced by opinion leaders who are in uenced by the media Cultivation media cultivates your view of society metaphor media plants seeds in mind and grows their ideals in you ex more tv you watch with violence the more you think violence is in society people who watch tv have similar views with other people who watch the same amount of tv Priming media primes thoughts that are related schema ex watch rambo with machine gun it doesn t make you get a machine gun but it might make you pick up a broom and be violent with it ex Show about dynamite makes you think about explosions Show about gun makes you think of more guns Catharsis The idea that media serves as a release ex instead of watching rambo and being violent with a broom Watching rambo will act as a release and therefore you won t be violent There is NO support for the theory of catharsis Violence Copycat You do what you see on tv ex Jackass movie kids imitated the show ex movie that woman lit husband on re several deaths followed the movie where wives imitated the movie and killed their husbands the same way More violence on tv than in real life looking to see how violent it is rate movies based on how violent it is although content analysis is not based on one show it looks at television over a Found that violence on tv is 10 15 more violent than in real life Content Analysis period of time Cultivation Bobo Dolls people who watch a lot of tv think we live in a mean world mean world theory social learning theory Experiment performed by Albert Bandura it was an experiment because there was a control group as well found that kids were more likely to hit it if there was positive reinforcement if they saw a video of person hitting bobo doll proved that media can slightly in uence behavior but only slightly Long term amount of violent tv people watched when they were young translated to more violent acts when older Violent media only slightly in uences violent behavior Priming Desensitization the more violent tv people watch the less likely they are to be impacted by ex experiment where kids watched violent show took them longer to tattle on violence in real life kids that were ghting Sex in Media Obscenity 3 standards no artistic value violates community standards brulient highly sexual National commission studied if porn effected adults behavior no harmful effects Nixon rejected results Meese commission studied porn is the downfall of society methods were biased Porn types Mainstream male dominant female submissive people who watch mainstream porn are more accepting of corrosive sexual encounters corrosive tricked into sex rape myth more accepting of corrosive sexual encounters Hardcore Erotic fantasy Tv sex studies the more people chose to watch sex in media the more likely they were to becoming pregnant afterwards its not the media s fault because people who choose to watch sex in media are usually more sexual active anyways Excitations transfer Arousal from watching media will increase all emotions ex watch inspirational boxing movie then getting excited and wanting to ght a bully Internet is for porn porn is easily accessible Stereotypes Schema people have similar thoughts ex think of zebras then think of referees Role Schema A set of relative thoughts based on their role ex referees make bad calls football games etc role schema thinks about what they do Stereotypes Frito Bandito relative thoughts based on social views ex referees are blind protest by the mexican community frequency of depictions undesirable stereotype They thought people would associate mexicans with a bandit Chihuahua dog is annoying mexicans did not want to be associated with it Rachel ray wore a scarf in a commercial it looked like it was a reference to the Dunkin doughnuts took ad down from complaints that it was a reference to Then dunkin doughnuts was protested by people because they took it down just because a couple people complained about it Taco Bell Dog Rachel Ray Ads middle east terrorism Race on TV news coverage mostly african americans tv crime stories mainly african american but close to a split between black latino and white actual crime data mostly latino whites in news stories mostly police of cers blacks in news stories mostly criminals Sex on TV more men on tv than women 3x more likely in children s cartoons 2x more likely in music videos 4 5x more likely as voice overs overall ratio 60 40 Construction of social reality media constructs your view on social reality heavy tv viewers social reality is consistent with tv Notel study town without tv had fewer sex stereotype beliefs proved that tv reinforces status quo Body image social comparison looking to
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