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Chapter 7 Communication I Definition of communication a Also called execution most visible part of public relations work b Communication is the implementation of a decision the process and the means by which c Goals of communication are to inform persuade motivate or achieve mutual objectives are achieved understanding d To be an effective communicator a person must have basic knowledge of i 1 what constitutes communication and how people receive messages ii 2 How people process information and change their perceptions iii 3 What kinds of media and communication tools are most appropriate for a particular message II Objectives of communication a Message exposure mass media through newsletters and organization s websites b Accurate dissemination of the message The basic information remains intact as it is transmitted through different channels c Acceptance of the message Audience retains the message BUT ALSO accepts it as valid d Attitude change the audience believes the message AND makes commitment to change behavior as a result of the message e Change in overt behavior Audience changes their behavior or purchase the product III Five communication elements a Source b Encoder c Signal d Decoder e Destination i A sender ii Message iii Channel iv Receiver v Feedback f OR Wilbur Schramm s model IV Processing perceptions including these specifically a two step flow theory chapter 9 i Another mass media influence acts as an opinion leader affecting the receiver s impression of the initial message ii The message goes through an opinion leader and then is transmitted to a follower iii Both the opinion leader and the follower receive the same message iv The follower received the message but the opinion leader not b Interaction theory media dependency theory i Tell me and I will forget ii Show me and I will remember iii Involve me and I will understand iv The less direct contact we have with an issue the more we depend on media c Media uses and gratifications theory i Assumes that people make highly intelligent choices about which messages require their attention and fulfill their needs ii If this is true the PR communicator must tailor messages that focus on getting the i The theory suggests that in initial interactions between two people the primary goal is to reduce the level of uncertainty in the situation According to the theory people find uncertainty in interpersonal relationships unpleasant and are motivated to reduce it through audience s attention d Uncertainty Reduction Theory interpersonal communication e Situational Theory i Active vs Passive audiences ii Primary target audiences may be different on different occasions iii Primary public might be comprised of different people at different time iv Be flex v vi ible bc the public is not static vii High involvement vs low involvement f Social learning theory social construction of reality theory i The social learning theory emphasizes the importance of observing and modeling the behaviors attitudes and emotional reactions of others ii The social construction of reality theory contends that reality is socially constructed and that the sociology of knowledge must scrutinize the manner in which this occurs i People desire to have consistency in their lives ii If campaigns demonstrate 2 conflicts beliefs they will feel cognitive dissonance iii Discomfort from the contradictions in their belief system which they will want to g source credibility h Cognitive Dissonance i Five stage Adoption Process resolve i Awareness ii Interest iii Evaluation iv Trial v Adoption j Diffusion theory i Diffusion the process of spreading out ii alternatives iii Relative Advantage A product innovation is perceived as better than existing 1 Better performance increased comfort saving in time and effort or immediacy of reward iv Compatibility How innovation fits into a person s way of doing things 1 Overcome perception of incompatibility through heavy advertising to persuade consumers v Complexity An innovation s degree of perceived difficulty 1 The more difficult the slower the rate of adoption vi Trialability An innovation can be used on a limited basis prior to making a full blown commitment 1 Trial reduces risk of dissatisfaction with a product after having permanently committed to it through outright purchase vii Observability Consumer or others can observe the positive effects of new product usage 1 Higher the visibility more rapid the adoption rate V What are some of the basic rules for writing with clarity so messages can be understood a The key is to produce messages that match in content and structure the characteristics of the audiences i Use symbols acronyms and slogans b Avoid jargon c Avoid clich s and hype words than the one that represents reality pre owned e Avoid discriminatory language d Avoid euphemisms an inoffensive word or phrase that is less direct and less distasteful Chapter 9 Public Opinion and Persuasion I What is public opinion and when why did the concept of public opinion mature a Sum of individual opinions on an issue affecting those individuals collection of interested views i Opinion is based on self interest became empirical b Concept matured in 20th century with public opinion polling between two world wars II Discuss the basic aspects of public opinion as it relates to public relations a Self interest i Once self interest is involved opinion is difficult to change b Passive v active i Passive Individuals in this category pay attention to a message only because it is entertaining and offers a diversion Use communication channels like billboard or radio spots ii Active These people are already interested engaged are in search of more sophisticated supplemental info i The event is a catalyst for people to engage with others about a shared interest c Event sensitivity d Elusiveness i ambiguity III Understand who are opinion leaders formal v informal and explain their characteristics a Highly interested in subject b Better informed on the issue c Heavy consumers of mass media d Early adopters of new ideas e Good organizers f Particular socio eco demographic characteristics g Formal Opinion Leaders groups ii Also called power leaders h Informal opinion leaders i Positions as elected officials presidents of companies or heads of membership i Those who have clout with peers because of some special characteristic ii They generally exert considerable influence on their peer groups by being highly informed articulate and

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