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PSY 100 Fall 2013 1 Human Memory Chapter 6 I System by which we retain info and bring it to mind I Memory II Three processes I encoding II storage III retrieval II Memory Encoding II I II III III Memory Storage III IV V IV Memory Retrieval III Retrieval cues I V Encoding Specificity Principle IV State dependent memory PSY 100 Fall 2013 2 V Context dependent memory effect VI Memory Stages VI Three stage model I II I II III I II III IV V VI VII Sensory Memory VII VI VII Iconic Memory VIII Eidetic imagery IX Echoic memory VII PSY 100 Fall 2013 3 VIII Short Term Memory VIII X XI XII XIII IX Working Memory IX Phonological loop I II III IV I XIV Visuospatial sketchpad XV Episodic buffer XVI Central executive X Long Term Memory X II Consolidation I III Elaborative rehearsal PSY 100 Fall 2013 4 II IV Semantic network model

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