a What is social Psychology i the study of how individuals thoughts feelings and behaviors are influenced by real or imaginary groups 2 Perceiving others a Stereotypes i ii Generalization of personality attributes of group of people Set of Social Schema b Self Fulfilling Attributes expectations that help bring out expected outcome c Fundamental Attribution Error your behavior says something about your personality there is something wrong with the person not the situation 3 Judging Others a Attitudes i social positive or negative evaluations of person or idea 1 Tea friends tea makes you happy b How are attributes formed i Classical Conditioning cognitions emotions behaviors c Kinds Implicit vs explicit changing attitudes i i ii ii iii iv i ii 1 Elaboration Likelihood Model superficial Cue a Not motivated to process info Peripheral cues weak temporary change content b Motivated to process info central cues long lasting attitude change 2 Cognitive Dissonance a emotional hardest to change not rational b behaviors attitudes easiest to change c icky feeling when do something against self image 3 Prejudice iii 1 Prejudging in a negative way 2 negative feeling toward individual based on group membership affiliation 3 Component 4 Examples a affect b stereotype c discrimination a Racism b sexism c discrimination d What leads us to like others Similarity i 1 best predictor of relationship success a life perspective major where come from ii Familiarity 1 attracted to people who look like you 2 attracted to people who have name familiarity iii iv reciprocal liking 1 like others who like us first prosocial behavior 1 any act performed with the goal of benefiting another person 1 desire to help another person even if it involves a cost the helper v Altruism vi Bystander Effect 1 Kitty Genovese a young woman attacked b 38 people saw what happened no one helped 2 Latane Darley a was it just New Yorkers b little people 7 people alert someone of smoke took 20 mins c alone alert someone of smoke took 1 minute vii 5 steps to 1 Step 1 notice something happened 2 Step 2 interpret event as an emergency a Pluralistic Ignorance i look at others and if no one reacts neither will you 3 Step 3 Assume Responsibility a Diffusion of Responsibility i more people less likely to take responsibility 4 Step 4 Know appropriate form of assistance a Knowledge b competence 5 Step 5 implement decision a benefits vs cost b dangerous legal concerns c d embarrassment viii Social Influences any way our behavior is influenced to change 1 When will people conform a when situation ambiguous i the more uncertain you are the more you will rely on info from others 2 when the situation is a crisis a if we feel scared and panicky we refer to others 3 when other people are experts a we look to police flight attendants etc 4 Conformity a change in behavior due to the real or imagined influenced of other people b normative social influence the need to be liked i c International social influence the need to be right i 5 Compliance a when we yield to request favors from others b Foot in the door ask for little things then ask for larger requests tell you only left when they have a huge stock left i c Scarcity i 6 Obedience a yielding of commands of authority figure b i was just following orders e Group Behavior Social Norms f i a i Social Facilitation
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