Nadelyn Pichardo 2 21 13 Perkins Ling 100 800 Russian Ling Book 11th edition section 3 Phonology page 141 the sentences that are crossed out is because they have been disproven or don t have evidence to support them 1 Two sounds complementary phonemic complementary distribution allophones of same phoneme If complementary give evidence no minimal pairs rule to predict occurrence of a 2 3 If phonemic give evidence none found 4 If complementary choose one form to be the instantiation of the phoneme a has no predictable context Complementary distribution allophones of same phoneme context triggers instantiation Phonemes minimal pairs words that are different because of only one sound being different If we have minimal pairs we re dealing with different phonemes If no minimal pairs look for contexts and assume we re working with allophones of one phoneme a always shows up before a velarized l a shows up in lots of contexts lots of contexts probable direct instantiation of phoneme a a a a elsewhere 1 Allophones of 1 phoneme free variation contrastive allophone of 2 phonemes 2 Support answer I would accept either free variation or contrastive distribution a Free variation because of the hint which was that near minimal pairs can be as convincing as minimal pairs so you have to be careful b Contrastive because of the close minimal pair Page 143 in 11th Edition Tojolabal Look for minimal pairs close s a phoneme k a phoneme k k k a phoneme Same immediate environments for k as for k Can we disprove idea that immediate environment is all that matters here k can show up next to a consonant at least in case of two morphemes probably k never shows up next to a consonant No truly minimal pairs for the two sounds under consideration but close Do have both sounds showing up in same immediate environments 2 3 examples of that Do have only k showing up before a consonant 1 example Hint pay attention to close minimal pairs k k Page 143 in 11th Edition Canadian French 1 Consider t and ts State distribution t ts high front V vowel t t elsewhere 2 One or two phonemes one phoneme there are NO relevant minimal pairs Check immediate environments t Beginning of word u Beginning of word E Beginning of word E Beginning of word e Beginning of word r Y end of word ts shows up before high front vowels t ts high front V t t elsewhere ts u i Beginning of word i Beginning of word I l y Beginning of word y Beginning of word Y Maltese 1 Predict form of definite il before words that start with a consonant l before words that start with a vowel Identify natural classes C V 2 3 Type of change assimilation 4 Explain change in terms of natural classes il i alveolar C alveolar C a 5 Make Maltese idda r a izzift b lazzar c li gliz d ilbelt e ilmarla f landrew g innadelyn h Standard Italian Identify list minimal pairs g h i l 1 Consider 2 Look for minimal pairs 3 4 What can we conclude from min pairs at least four phonemic V 5 State environment write rule n n velar stop n n elsewhere 6 Explain rule in terms of natural classes velar place of articulation is important here 7 Contrastive or complementary
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