STRC 2112 Strategies and Tactics of Persuasion 03 25 2014 STRC 2112 Strategies and Tactics of Persuasion Dr Guillermo Caliendo 1 23 13 Chapter 1 seven faces of persuasion in the influence process interactive media media in which the receiver is able to actively participate cultural diversity the increasing numbers of persons from other cultural backgrounds races ethnicities sexual preferences educational levels political and religious beliefs etc propaganda advocacy response ability ability to wisely and critically respond to the persuasion you encounter and to make wise choices and ethical decisions when you both process and craft persuasion doublespeak deliberate miscommunication and which the American Heritage Dictionary defines as evasive ambiguous high flown language designed to deceive scams identity theft self protection efficacy our culture wants to see the results of its and our efforts particularly if there s a group effort involved efficiency a costs versus resulting benefits kind of dichotomy that judges results by comparing the efforts and various other investments cost made against the relative gains or recognition benefits achieved on the part of the audience audience common ground shared beliefs values and interests between persuaders and persuadees that could be established by all of the tactics enthymemes a form of argument in which the first major premise in the proof remains unstated by the persuader and instead is supplied by the identification Burke believed that if receivers feel they are being spoken to in their own language and hear references to their own beliefs and values they will develop a sense of identification with the persuader believing the persuader is like them Persuasion in Today s Changing World sort information and evaluate options choices persuasion is used to prompt our voting purchasing donating etc pay attention to the effects influences of electronic data and interactive Persuasive Process engage in defensive listening critical thinking media ex Social Networks Media SNM media rich cultures make it easier to influence others voice our opinions beyond friends and family ethical decisions what information is passed on reliable consider cultural preferences race ethnicity sexual orientation class work a balance pay attention to propaganda vs advocacy propaganda ideas facts or allegations spread deliberately to further one s cause etc advocacy pleading for supporting recommending may be motivated from moral principles or to protect an asset of interest Propaganda it is ideological or it promotes a belief system the one and only belief uses mass media to spread it s belief conceals it s source unethical advocacy of an ideology that uses emotion to persuade move people Persuasion and it s Ethical Challenges Pinocchio Nation Donaldson Wamberg 2011 there is unprecedented lying unethical decision making ex corporations banks accounting firms Religious institutions critical consumption of information How do we process information Aristotle ethos moral standing character pathos emotion logos logic elaboration likelihood model ELM a theory that serves as an organizational model of persuasion and has resulted in significant changes in the way theorists view persuasion Two Channels to Process Information Central Processing route used for complex important information information that needs to be studied researched Peripheral Processing Route less important information appeals to the eyes and ears sex Persuasion and Cultural Interaction a balance between you and others protection against doublespeak scams doublespeak evasive ambiguous high flown language designed to deceive jargon highly specialized technical language ex friendly fire ethnic cleansing etc scam convinces a person that a plan project is credible credibility ethos are usually processed in the peripheral channel do not assume meaning when communication with each other Defining Persuasion Aristotle to Elaboration Likelihood Aristotle ancient Greeks called referred to persuasion as Rhetoric artistic proof choices of evidence organization style language inartistic proof not controlled by speaker ex occasion time allotted fact statistic persuasion succeeds or fails proofs ethos pathos and logos 1 30 13 Chapter 3 Traditional Artistic and Humanistic Approaches to Persuasion Humanistic and Persuasive Approaches Framing Persuasion thinking Aristotle Context purpose one approach does not fit all situations ex market segments target audiences Aristotle looked at persuasion in Forensic discourse Epideictic celebratory eulogy discourse Deliberative like politics discourse context imposes certain restrictions or expectations match appropriate persuasive tactic to the context Audience Adaptation and Common Universe of Ideas persuaders should promote common ideas values ex happiness independence prosperity pleasure friendship etc maxim saying can create that sense of commonality Types of Proof ethos pathos logos ethos words images vocal tone create a mood pathos speaker audience shared feelings emotionally charged language be careful with over the top language logos forms of reasoning logic deductive inductive analogical fraternity members drink excessively deduction assumed general and possible truth when you use deduction you have a major premise a minor premise and a conclusion major premise A large percentage of minor premise John is a fraternity brother Therefore John drinks excessively when you hear a major premise you should and the reasoning That is when you stop and arrive at a different conclusion major premise Women are likely to get in a minor premise susan is a driver conclusion Susan is likely to get into an question it possibly accident car accident major premise Fat people are not sexy minor premise Mrs X is fat conclusion Mrs X is not sexy Deduction Usually the person accepts the major premise and is already assumed assimilated into the normal way of thinking You must ask questions about how the major premise came about Induction look at different cases and examples and then arrive to a conclusion Analogical comparison between two things Pre used Argumentative Forms Topoi common forms of arguments arguments deal with the degree of something the more or less ex Is candidate A more or less trustworthy than candidate B Who was the best singer player etc Past Fact has an event really happened Did a person commit the Future likelihood is something likely to occur the probability alleged
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