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1 ARCH 114 FINAL EXAM Monday Dec 16 8AM 10AM Bring pen pencil to exam Multiple choice from lectures and readings a Wicked Problem i Constantly changing 1 Understanding and the Problem of Architecture Lauren Matchison ii Unlimited number of approximations but no right answer iii No stopping rule You can do more to solve Never done iv No way to ultimately test its solution 1 One shot solution no room for trial and error b Tame Problem i Solutions are findable ii Science math problems iii Defined separated then solve that problem via design d Context c Design Process The architect must first identify and define the problem and i Circumstances that form the setting of an event statement or idea and in terms of which it can be fully understood or assessed 1 Because architecture must occupy a site never a vacuum 2 Places of Privilege Professor Bob Harris a Aesthetic Experience i Use of the senses essential for memory and meaning ii Full of emotion and feeling 1 A place where people enjoy living feel privileged to be inside not representation of great wealth 2 Places of natural advantage i e Newport Bay Oregon 2 3 Places within the urban terrace created by normal people not necessarily by architects since it s in our human nature to create and make things better 4 Places of civic consequence i e City Hall of Pasadena symbol of cultural influence Doheny Library it lines up with the administration buildings on the other side acts as a driving force of university development and representation 5 Places of everyday life i e South Pasadena residential area where it makes you of all qualities of a university feel at home Reading khan Louis the room the street and the human agreement Define and give an example of an aesthetic experience o Sensory experience appeal to the senses unconsciously as a whole o I e Cranbrook Academy at Michigan Define and give examples of the four fundamental places types o PERCH At risk overlooking life balcony type structure I e Shoal Creek Austin Texas tree trunks Cannery San Francisco People love to be up high in altitude when they can be love the overall sense of looking over conquering nature the world overall lookout of the city taking risks to be on top of things o ALCOVE Protected connected by choice plaza type space Look out area enveloped but can look outside from inside I e Paley Park NYC Able to be by yourself but still don t lose connection to the world o COMMON Open to life and adventure 3 I e Piazza del Campo Siena Italy food courts libraries Biddie mason Park farmer s market grand central market o PATH Connective opportunity for discovery Lead yourself to whatever happens to be on your way Not just a place to go from A to B path is for social interaction too I e main street for social interaction outside the Blue Mosque Athens o HYBRID Places of opportunity choice privilege Places where all 4 fundamental types of places are located I e Todi Italy Disney Concert Hall and Amphitheatre Museum of Contemporary Art s cafe in LA 3 Cultural Landscapes Rachel Berney 1 Reading unwin 2 Define landscape and landscape architecture 1 Landscape a portion of a territory that can be viewed from one place designed for a purpose whether accidentally intentionally designed for a cultural purpose or understanding 2 Landscape architecture the art planning design management preservation and rehabilitation of the land and the design of human made constructs hopefully functional and beautiful design of a space from the collaboration between architects and landscape architects 1 Landscape that is engineered i e terrace 4 o Management of labor soil erosion cultural representation of climate and o Versailles geometric shape represent power and to impress visitors o Egypt pyramids memorial power lasting monuments o Landscape as sacred space dedicated to human relationships o Stonehenge different style more open and religious than related to population water 2 Landscape of power human activities 3 Space making voids of each o EXCAVATE Trees define path create shelter enclosure canopy 2 Understand the 3 primary means of altering the landscape recognize an example To make a mark on land to function better A move that makes a permanent difference I e Maya Lin Vietnam War Memorial Washington DC o ELEVATE onto landscape Have a set of strategies to help visitors move take concept out Create an opposite concept to accentuating the structure I e Mies Van Der Roche farnsworth house Robert Konieczny outrial house Renzo Piano swa CA academy of science San Fran o EXPAND To put something onto something else that creates something 5 like emotion cause and effect let an element float or spread out to a boundary and then stop I e park guell anoni gaudi Barcelona Dewey Donell garden Thomas church sinoma holocaust memorial peter eiseman and Define tabula rasa and give an architectural example name of architect and Louis Olin berlin Germany 4 History and Memory as Design provocation o Reading scruton project o Tabula rasa Latin for blank slate o History as an interpretative medium to design o Fragments memories as stimulus of design generation based on pre existing circumstance Taking advantages of opportunities that are linked to environment Robert Smithson spiral jelly Salt Lake Utah How to look project forward while recognizing the past Know the titles authors of 2 texts that opposed tabula rasa Define palimpsest and give an architectural example name projects architect and project o Palimpsest literal meaning parchment paper used in manuscript washed before it is used again the layering of previous versions of text is similar to the accumulation and reinforcement of design ideas over time o E g The Tower of London construction began in 11th cent continues into 6 21st visitors can see traces of different designs due to its different uses Design as interpretation of o Environmental history territorial processes Association o Cultural history traditions practices I e Sea Ranch E Coscore Mill Race Park by Michael Van Valkenburgh Turenscape shenyang china Architectural University campus Turning an agricultural land into university campus o Excavated history stratigraphic depth I e Enrique Miralles and Carme Pinos Igualada Cemetery Jardin des Bambons Alexandre Chemetuff Paris o Tangible history traces relics remnants Rich Haag Gas Works Park Seattle o Commemorative history memorials memorialization Kaiser Wilhem Memorial Church WTC memorial Oklahoma City National Memorial Maya Lin Vietnam War

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