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2 11 Quiz on Friday 2 14 Study concepts definitions of readings for the week Environmental Ethics Deontology Kantian Ethics Motto of the Enlightenment Sapere Aude dare to know Immanuel Kant 1724 1804 Enlightenment Diminishing authority of church Rise of capitalism Rise of science Material Progress Doctrines of human rights abolitionism rights of women Individual autonomy rule ourselves Democracy Basic Ideas of Deontology Duty An action has moral worth if it is done for the sake of duty Deontology Deon duty ology study of Universalizability An action is morally correct if its underlying rule can be universalized Respect We should always respect others not use them Acting for the sake of duty is Acting without self interest Acting without concern for consequences Acting without inclination Possible Relations between action and duty Action against duty immoral Action in accord with duty but from a selfish purpose suspect Actions in accord with duty but from inclination laudable but not estimable Actions from duty provides full moral worth We can constrain our desires with reason Imperatives Imperative a principle that directs action a command Hypothetical conditional apply only given certain assumptions Means to an assigned end Categorical apply universally objectively and unconditionally i e to all possible cases A categorical imperative commands an act that is good in itself not as a means to some other end Categorical Imperative The Supreme Principle of Morality The Formula of the End in Itself act in such a way that you always treat humanity whether in your own person or in the person of any other never simply as a means but always at the same time as an end Any beings that are capable of rational thought need to be respected Respect for persons Persons are rational autonomous beings Are due respect have dignity Respect entails respecting those capacities that are necessary for us to function as autonomous and rational The Formula of Universal Law I should never act except in such a way that I can also will that my maxim should become a universal law Perfect vs Imperfect Duties Duties of Justice Perfect duty Acts of Omission strict Act on no maxims that Duties of Beneficence imperfect duty Commission much leeway Act on some maxims that Categorical Imperative vs Golden Rule GR doesn t deal with duties to ourselves GR relies too heavily on the psychology of the one doing the judging GR founded on divine authority CI based on pure reason

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