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1 The recognized right of an individual or institution to exercise power is called authority 2 Research suggests the rise in faulty perceptions is primarily caused by changes in 3 4 5 communication Individualism is a core ideal of the American political culture In its Citizens United decision the Supreme Court of the U S ruled that corporations and unions have the same First Amendment free speech rights as individuals when it comes to spending money on campaigns Important principles of the free market system include open marketplace self reliance and free enterprise 6 C Wright Mills was a proponent of the elite theory 7 During the buildup to the Iraq invasion individuals who got their news from cable television shows were the most misinformed about the relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda True 8 The way in which the free market system is practiced in the United States ensures that wealthier interests cannot parlay their economic clout into disproportionate political influence False 9 Authoritarian governments openly repress their political opponents as a means of staying in 10 Widely popular for many years the Social Security Act is now under threat of repel in the United States because of its unpopular association with socialism False 11 The principles of checks and balances is based on the notion that power must be used to offset power True power True 12 In Federalist No 10 Madison warned against dangerous factions True 13 Which of the following accurately characterizes Thomas Jefferson s beliefs about government He saw Congress as a better representative of the people than the presidency 14 Every Amendment to the Constitution except for the Twenty First was adopted by a proposal through 2 3 vote of both houses of Congress and ratification by state legislatures 15 Which of the following is a limit on government in the United States checks and balances 16 John Locke maintained that a government if originally put into place by legitimates means federalism judicial review could never be revoked legitimately False of an act of Congress True according to the state s population False still lose the election False 17 Marbury v Madison established the power of the Supreme Court to decide the constitutionality 18 The Great Compromise provided that seats in both chambers of Congress would be allocated 19 Andrew Jackson was the only presidential candidate to win the majority of the popular vote and 20 The first national government of the U S was the Articles of Confederation True 21 In an autocracy control rests with a single individual 22 The initiative and referendum are least common in the northeast and southern states 23 President Lyndon Johnson s Great Society Programs used Congress s taxing and spending powers to increase social welfare programs 24 The Welfare Reform Act of 1996 gave greater responsibility to state governments to deal with welfare 25 Democracy is a theory of American politics that holds that society s interests are substantially represented through power exercised by groups False

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