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2 6 14 Chapter 5 Conducting a Feasibility Analysis Feasibility Analysis is performed to answer the following Is there a customer and a market of sufficient size to make the concept viable Do the capital requirements to start based on estimates of sales and expenses make sense Pre Feasibility Quick Look Assessment Draft description of business Examine industry Identify customer benefit Quick look is an effective way to choose between two business ideas It doesn t deal with financial projections What are the demographics trends patterns of change and life cycle stage of the industry Are there any barriers to entry What s the status of technology and R D expenditures What are typical profit margins in the industry What do potential customers say Who are your competitors Feasibility Analysis Outline for a Written Report Cover page Executive summary including feasibility decision Table of contents Business concept Industry Analysis Market Analysis Service Development Plan Management Team Financial Plan Timeline to Launch Endnotes Bibliography Appendices EXAM 1 Ch 1 5 Sustainability 2 fill in blank 26 multiple choice some true or false Study PowerPoint slides Know myths of entrepreneurship 4 components of business concept 4 reasons most businesses fail 12 major components of feasibility analysis 14 of 26 multiple choice are on sustainability Focus on definitions

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KSU ENTR 27056 - Chapter 5

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