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Chapter 11 Module 1 Teenage Pregnancy Adolescences and Sex 01 23 2014 Historical trends fewer but start younger o 40 by age 16 sophomore year o 66 by age 18 senior year Ethnic difference especially in males o African American males have sex at youngest ages o Asian American males at oldest ages o White and Hispanic fall in the middle o Environmental differences Blacks in single parent home and in poor neighborhood with lack of supervision o Cultural norms Sex at young ages is associated with risky behaviors o Engage in drug and alcohol abuse delinquent behavior and academic problems o Having sex at younger ages is NOT associated with depression and anxiety Same sex relationships o 3 to 4 o Varied pathways o Males more likely to experiment in adolescence o Females more likely to experiment during adulthood How does the US compare to other countries 1 3 of teens pregnant by age 20 in US US has highest pregnancy rate for teens of all industrialized countries Changes Across Time Different rates of teen pregnancy in US and Netherlands Decline of 30 of adolescence who give birth o Increase contraceptive use and awareness of STD s Prevalence of Teenage Pregnancy Approximately 800 000 to 900 000 adolescents in the US become pregnant every year o 1 3 are aborted o 1 6 end in miscarriage o Of babies birthed 90 raised by a teen mother Racial Ethnic Differences Teen pregnancy more common in poor people and non white people Geographic Differences Southern states have larger numbers of teen pregnancies o Cultural norms Sex at younger ages Contraceptive use Tied to religion and religious beliefs Tied to racial ethnic differences Media Images Will this affect the number of teenage pregnancies o Increase media image may lead to a decrease in teen pregnancies baby young Lead to more conversations about contraceptive use and expose them to the negative aspects of having a Does the Media Impact our Perceptive of Teen Pregnancy Outcomes for Teen Moms Get diploma by age 22 if are teen moms o Don t catch up economically to their peers May have had greater risk for negative outcomes regardless of having had the child as a teen Outcomes for Babies Linked to negative effects on child o Low birth rate infant mortality o Neurological problems o Illness Cycle of teenage pregnancy o Kids will be teen moms too Puberty Overview of Adolescence Generally ages of 13 and 19 Can include preteen or tween years 9 12 Adolescence o Biologically onset of puberty and termination of physical growth Self discovery and confusion Issues of o Independence o Self identity o Experimentation drugs alcohol sexuality o Peers o Self focus Puberty Period in which individual become capable of sexual reproduction Physical o Physical growth o Primary sex characteristic o Secondary sex characteristics o Body composition o Circulatory and respiratory system Endocrine System Produces circulates and regulates hormones Hormones are secreted by endocrine glands Gonadotropins hormones that stimulate sexual maturation and regulate reproductive activity Set point our bodies self regulate to maintain certain levels of hormones HPG feedback loop links pituitary hypothalamus and glands o Hypothalamus controls pituitary o Gonads release sex hormones which stimulate sex maturation Androgen Estrogen HPG reawakens HPG reawakes during puberty have it prior to birth Genetically programmed o Narrow window of 4 years biologically o Genetically age parents entered Signals from the environment o Leptin and high fat diets trigger in females High fat diet enter puberty earlier o Home life and stress Females who live with moms BF non relative male enter puberty at younger ages Adolescence Growth Spurt Rapid increase in height and weight o Thyroid hormones and androgens On average males experience two years later than females o Females go through earlier and surpass males but then males go through it and surpass females Growth rate identical to that of a toddler Males Females o Growth rate of about 4 inches per year at peak o Growth rate of about 3 5 inches per year at peak Primary Sex Characteristics Directly related to sex organs Males o Testes scrotum penis o First ejaculation one year prior to growth of penis Females o Uterus vagina and other aspects of the reproductive systems o Menarche later in process Follows growth of breast tissue and pubic hair Hormonal changes Not fertile until several years after the period has begun Regular ovulation follows the first period by about Secondary Sex Characteristics 2 years Not directly related to sexual reproduction Males o Pubic facial body hair deepening of the voice roughening of the skin and sweat glands Females o Elevation of the breast widening of hips pubic and underarm hair widening of areola changes in nipples Bodily Distribution of Fat and Muscle Prior to puberty few differences between boys and girls In puberty males are gaining more in muscle and females are gaining more in fat o Boys outperform girls Circulatory and Respiratory Increase in size and capacity of the Heart and lungs o Increases in strength and tolerance for exercise Male vs Female difference in o Larger Hearts and lungs o Blood pressure higher systolic o Heart rate lower resting o Greater capacity for carrying oxygen to the blood o Ability to neutralize the chemical products of muscular exercise o Higher Blood hemoglobin o More Red blood cells Onset of Puberty Average age 10 to 11 for girls and 12 to 13 for boys Biological and genetic process Environmental factors across time o Nutrition and health Improved tremendously o More nutrients and higher fat diets and better health care experience first period earlier Obesity High fat diets Leptin are linked to early menarche Contributes to ethnic racial difference in onset of menarche o Blacks get in earlier than whites Impact of Age of Puberty Early maturing boys have some advantages o Body image o Confident and secure o Popular But also some risks o Drugs alcohol o Antisocial behaviors Early maturing girls have disadvantages o Emotional difficulties o Eating disorders o Drug alcohol use o Academic problems o Popular with males sex at younger ages Module 2 Adolescence and the Ideal Body Obsessed with Their Appearance 55 billion for denim 7 million for grooming products Body Image Matters Prone to anorexia and bulimia Eating disorders appear during adolescence years Eating Disorders Cognitive distortions Teens who have high level of body dissatisfaction and value in standards of beauty set by

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UW-Madison HDFS 363 - Teenage Pregnancy

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