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What is Horticulture Learning objectives applied vs pure sciences Pomology Olericulture and Ornamentals relationship between humans and plants over time Identify Liberty Hyde Bailey and his contributions to horticulture List and identify important uses of plants and how they impact human life 3 major horticulture crops History of horticulture and man s dependence on plants Plant Anatomy Structure and function of cells and tissues including xylem and phloem Structure and function of leaves stems root flowers and fruit Be able to diagram the floral structures Recognize basic differences between monocots and dicots Plant Nomenclature Naming Recognize plant taxonomy as a science Understand how scientific names are used to communicate What are interspecific and intergeneric hybrids Why do common name cause confusion Classifying and Naming Plants Learning objectives 1 Describe different factors that affect scientific classification of plants including cytology anatomy physiology and morphology 2 Define plant taxonomy and understand the different taxonomic groups 3 Identify and describe the different plant divisions Cont next page 4 Define binomial nomenclature and recognize genus and specific epithet 5 Identify Carolus Linnaeus and describe his contributions to plant classification 6 List describe and implement the rules of plant naming 7 Understand the importance of botanical Latin for common vs botanical names 1 Identify and describe basic types function organization and structures of the plant cell 2 Identify and describe different plant tissues 3 List and describe various functions and structures of specific plant organs 4 Describe characteristics of gymnosperms and angiosperms 5 Identify types of stems buds leaves and roots 6 Identify and describe the different types functions structures offlowers and fruit Plant Anatomy Learning Objectives 3 Lectures Cells and TissuesFile Stems Leaves and RootsFile Flowers and Fruit 7 Define compare and contrast monocots and dicots 1 Define plant propagation Seed Propagation Learning objectives 2 Describe propagation by seed including the difference in structure of dicot vs monocot seeds and how to properly store and test for viability 3 Describe seed dormancy including types its effects on propagationand various dormancy treatments 4 Describe the process of seed germination and the ideal conditions 5 Describe vegetative propagation including clonal types various methods and why this practice is used in the industry 6 Describe different types of cuttings and factors influencing rooting 7 Describe grafting and budding and understand their benefits and limitations 8 Describe the various types of layering 9 Describe the process of air layering 10 Describe propagation by division and the structures where new shoots will grow 11 Describe micropropagation and why this practice may or may not be used in the industry What is a seed Basic structures Seed Propagation How do we test viability Understand how dormancies effect germination How do seeds germinate

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LSU HORT 2050 - What is Horticulture?

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